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A loud groan woke up Y/n who was in deep slumber. Irony was that she didn't remember sleeping. A familiar numbness flows in her body, muscles refusing to co-operate. Terror bloom in her heart before her brain could even register in what danger was she in? Her body was hunched over, tissue paining from sleeping in uncomfortable position. She immediately move, coiling back and stayed in vulnerable posture, sight blurred and skull splitting into two because of headache. Constant ringing of muffled groans and moans made her reluctant to open her eyes.

She didn't know what was she expecting to see but it was surely not this. Her gasp died in her throat and eyes rake over horrible setting, she was in. 

A number of men were stood proudly, middle expanse clad in bandana hiding their awful faces. They were stationed in unmannerly way almost crowding her. She was sprawled on the ground back touching a side of wall. A middle aged man slightly unfit, cornered her like she was some prey, with his creepy smile on his stubble face. She noticed that the men hands' were brimming with weapons- guns, knives, you named it except the man who seems like their boss. 

Y/n had never seen him. Jimin had showed her profiles of their enemies when she was recused by Yoongi, so that she was aware and prepared in dangerous situation. That time she had brushed him off, naïve to think that something like that would ever happen again but oh so great fate decide to mock her but she was sure that this man was unfamiliar. 

Unlike the other time when she was kidnapped by some John, this situation appeared more fucked up as each and every men looks like some sort of professional and the man grinning on her face was too adorned a crisp suit, contrasting the musky warehouse.

A loud bloom of painful groan distracted her thoughts and she regretting looking over there. Now that she thinks the groans were familiar - too familiar for heart to ache in fear. The chunky man seems to enjoy the look of concern in her eyes as she tried to ran over the injured. The boss wave a hand and one of his lap dog run over to grab her, blocking her way to the causality. Her fight and flight instinct act upon itself and she rammed her right leg on her invader. He was caught off guard, his boss laugh at his pain, amuse with the girl's bravery. 

Y/n tool off running without thinking and stumble upon the corner where she had gotten a glimpse of wanted man.

Oh how she wished that she didn't have seen the beaten body of this person.

There was V all chained up, rusting iron chains circled around his legs and hands, nailed in the wall behind. His face was covered with specs of blood and bruises on his forehead. There must be a deep gash in his wild hairline as trail of blood seems to flow without any restrain and his mask was ruined from blood patches. His eyes scrunched tightly in pain but his body posture was stern like it was usual for him to suffer the intense pain.

His white tee was torn apart from middle, ruins were hanging on one shoulder and some on his lower chest, doing poor job in hiding his chiseled chest and abs which were sizzling red. She mentally smacked herself for being pervert and ogling his ripped body as it wasn't the time when his body was literally being ripped. His baggy cargo pants were soak from water but the painful gasps and steam forming reckon that it definitely wasn't normal one. 

She forcibly shook her body to move, to help the V and stop the cruelty but someone had another idea. The man whom she had hammered, came forward manhandle and tucked her back, forcing her to become a spectator of torture. Her assumptions proved right when another man brought a bucket, staggering a bit because of bulky, fuming water. Didn't wasted anytime in pouring and pummel the body. His painful screamed made her lips wobbled in silent cries, turning her head, she closed her eyes, not keen to see the assault but the enemies only crackled at her failed attempts as one hand grabbed her delicate face, impelling her watch V getting atrocious torments.

Look of disgust adorned her face as she tried to recoil, made another foolish attempt to get towards V but was rather grabbed painfully and thrown across the dark cemented floor. She again stood up, body jerking in refusal, her legs trembling like baby fawn but she was adamant to stop the brutality.

Y/n cries become audible as another bucket was thrown at V's exposed body, closing her eyes in pain like she was the one get struck with boiling water. She felt helpless, couldn't do anything in the crowd of enemies surrounding her like hyenas. Her futile attempts to reach V was getting irritable as the boss grasp her ponytail in his dirty hands, blocking her way to innocent Mafia who's painfully screams were muffled by mask.

"Stop! stop! please don't hurt him" she pleaded desperately, throwing her pride and dignity to save man who had been nothing but a sweetheart to her.

"Girly, don't interrupt our generous hospitality and enjoy the show while you can" he mocked her and wave a hand for his men to brought a whip, adding to the list for pure torture. Female cries, screams and pleas roar loudly inside the warehouse with every smack of whip.

"I beg you please, please, spare him. Torture me instead but leave him alone" She tries to bargain. A muffled 'No' was heard and fell deaf to her trade.

Was it a sudden change of heart or being fed up with melodrama but the man finally signalled his team of ruthless men to make their way out of the warehouse. Everyone complied immediately and left the couple to fend themselves. 

"We'll come back later till then enjoy lovebirds"

Immediately, Y/n went to V and gently touch his covered face, wanted nothing but to take the pain away from him. He stirred a little, seeking the warmth of soft hands inside the cold warehouse.

V had his eyes closed, it was painful for him to open the eyelids, frowning slightly he made several attempts to roused himself as he knew the two of them were in grave danger. While being torture mercilessly, he kept thinking where he went wrong - he had went to Han river without telling his gang members aside the boys, to meet his girl. Jimin had informed him about the two bodyguards securing her from perimeter, then how the hell his enemies got whiff of their location.

His first suspect was John but the lack of non-Asian man beside the swarm of enemies gawking at his misery, manifest the false assumption.

V searched inside his basket of memories, shortlisting whom else he had pissed off. One thing V was sure of that he had never hurt any innocent soul. So, it was clear that the person who has kidnapped them is anything but virtuous.

He had fell upon these tortuous session numerous times but now he was mostly afraid for Y/n, poor girl was once again caught in the fire from his duel with enemies. Sometimes, he wishes that he wasn't injured that day and would have never encountered with her then maybe her life wouldn't be in constant danger.

"I am sorry Y/n-ah" whispering the words, he finally lost himself in oblivion.

A/n :-

Love y'all❤️️❤️

-by dork

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