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(Y/n's Pov)

Living with these crackheads was manageable although sometimes they crossed and leaped across my boundary of patience but it still attainable. Sometimes I helped Lady Maria and other maids in cooking or simple laundry despite their and boys denies because it made me guilty for being a freeloader, so I do that as in pastime.

Currently, I am in the kitchen, face covered with specs of flour, hairs unruly, making the batter of cookies for evening snacks as the boys requested to have the exclusive privilege over my handmade cookies. I tried to refuse that I am not that much of a brilliant baker but strangely V argued that my cookies are the best in this world and convince all of them to give me their puppy eyes.

And I am founded, knees down and head bowed guiltily on their innocent wish, that they had to take extensive measure for my ordinary cookies and without any excuses wounded by their innocent eye beams which were not that innocent that shattered my low-quality denial wall.

But one thing I didn't get was how did V know that I could bake well when I had never told anyone in this house?

I shrugged the unnecessary thoughts away and began to focus on the tasks on hand, continuously whipping the batter to make it smooth for better cookies, humming a catchy song ( telepathy), and the birds chirping along with me in the background, leaving me to the train of thoughts whose first station was overthinking which I very much knew was dangerous but still board on it.

My mind was neither worried about Oppa as I already knew that he is safe at his place and V had already made a call on the typical burner phone for me to have a chat where I gave excuses and a cover-up that I will be very busy in the coming days and to not worry about me. Nor was I afraid of the café's business as Jimin already told me that they had taken care of it and made known about my absence there.

Rather I was worried about that person- whom I was missing like crazy in every passing second. Every thought of mine, every pained sigh was dedicated to him, my clenching heart was beating loudly, screaming for his warmth. And it was not helping that now I was aware of that burning feeling for him because it's my love for him. A simple crush bloomed into something special, a precious feeling which can't be compared to any luxuries of this mundane world.

What was he doing? Is he still searching or looking for me even after being informed that I was safe here? Does he misses me like I do or he forgets about me and moved on with his life, continue to living like before with no Y/n beside. Was I an irrelevant piece of his life or do I have a place in his thoughts as he has within me?

That most dangerous thing in this universe which could lead to boon or bane- is overthinking. And I was doing that fully knowing that it could ruin my peaceful life and sane mind. But what could I do when my heartbeat is racing fast and a dead, heavy feeling always settles in the core of my stomach, making it hard to swallow or peacefully eat anything.

Overthinking and making imaginary scenarios about that someone that could enter his life, make their existence known in the café, chasing and courting the overly handsome man and creeping in his heart or he is easily letting some other people come into his life, giving them the place which was never mine, to begin with.

The most agonizing thing was that I never got the chance to confess my pure, dedicated feelings to him and had to always remain silent about it if I find that the nonsense overthinking was a reality after going back to the previous life.

That would be the moment where my insides would completely die from agonizing pain. That will be the moment in the future I am dreading a lot. Call me selfish or self-centered but I wish to God, any deity in heaven to not let that man get woo over someone, to not grant that innocent piece of his heart to anyone till I confess. I don't know if he will accept me or not but at least I could lift the heavy feeling by pouring my heart out.

Gangsta's crush  ( Taehyung And Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now