Day 2| Forgotten date

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Forgotten Date

* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *

[unedited; apologies for any mistakes.]

The clock ticked along with your feet against the concrete. It was a little chilly outside, but despite that, you rocked up in a spaghetti dress with a denim jacket and a pair of white sneakers. You regretted wearing the thin fabric despite Jimin asking you to be comfortable with your clothing. You knew he wouldn't have minded any of your attire but you still wanted to make some effort to look cute for your own satisfaction.

He was meant to pick you up from the office, but here you were sitting under a bus stand, waiting for him to appear. You checked the time and it was a little over 8. He was meant to pick you up more than half an hour ago.

You even tried to call him but the man seemed to have his phone flushed down the toilet. Groaning for the nth time you end up waiting for over an hour and still found no sign of your boyfriend.

Just when you were about to give up, you hear your name being called. Feeling expectant of Jimin, you eagerly turn around. But, you do not find Jimin, instead, you found Jung Hoseok.

His head peaked out of the car with a beaming and warm expression on his face as usual. ''Hey, beautiful! What are you doing here? Did you not get the car today?''

''Hobie!'' You greet, you assume he is returning from work. ''No, Jimin drove me today. I was waiting for him to pick me up but as you can see he's late.''

''Does that mean Jimin is dying today?!'' He looked so hopeful that it made you giggle and forget about the frustration of waiting.

''He's probably running late. I will wait a bit more.'' You state.

''How about you hop inside my car? It's cold outside. I will wait with you.'' The handsome man offers. You immediately accept seeing your body almost freezing like an iceberg. You smilingly thank him before rushingly to get inside. 

* . °•★|Taehyung's house|☆•° . *

Luna, upon hearing the sound of the door opening, gets up from the bed and walk towards the living room. ''Do you see the time? You're late!'' Luna vocalised annoyingly.

Taehyung tiringly sighed before looking at his wife. ''I am not in the mood to fight with you again. I know I am late but I also have shit to do unlike you.'' He curtly speaks.

That irked Luna, ''Unlike me?'' She scoffed. ''What does that suppose to mean?'' She almost raised her voice.

''Tone it down. I am assuming Luca is sleeping.'' He snapped back. The couple felt something strong for one another at that time. Something that none of them could explain; but it was certainly not positive.

These days they both found themselves fighting with one another a lot. As if civil conversations were no longer an option. Luna's mood always seemed down, which always lead her to have random outbursts. Taehyung similarly seemed to grow annoyance at that, which aided the constant arguments. They both tried to tone it down for the sake of Luca and the people around them but failed eventually.

''Don't change the topic! Where were you?!'' She angrily spoke.

''I was at work! If you don't remember Mum needs my help! It's not like you needed me anyway.'' He tossed the jacket on the couch irritably.

Luna bit her lower lip, holding back the tears. She wanted to scream at him, telling him how much and desperately she needed him. However, the internal pent up negative feelings made her utter something else instead, ''I don't need you. Not when you're being like this.''

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