Day 10| His Moon

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Day 10| His Moon

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"No. No no no! Moon! No!"  Taehyung shakes his head repeatedly. There is no way he is losing her. He refused to believe the reality and decided to hold onto the thread of hope he could see in her eyes. "No, you- no. we can't!" His fear moulded into anger. Even though they fought constantly for the past months, not even once he thought about separating. 

"You are only mad, Moon. You...You don't want that!" He shakes his head in denial. "You are mad about the ring, right? I-I will find that ring! Baby, don't worry I will find it!" He ensures hastily, begging her to reconsider when all he could observe is Luna's eyes spilling tears. "Please, Moon!" He reaches to hold her hands. His finger brushes through her hands when he realises something felt empty. When he eyes down, he finds her ring finger empty, just like his.

"Your ring?"

"I threw it away, just like you did." Luna pictured to say it in a very stern voice but instead, her voice came out forceful with pain and heartbreak.

"Don't worry! I will find it! I will go to the place and I will find it!"


"No, Moon! it's okay, I know you're mad. I will go and find them. Don't go anywhere, stay here. I will be back." Luna's heart clenched mercilessly by seeing the tear of desperation in her husband's eyes. ''Stay right here.'' He kissed her forehead before rushing out of the house.

Luna walks near the door and slams it close before dropping on the floor and letting out all the tears she has been suppressing. You, Jimin and Mia reach Luna, but the girl only hugs her legs and sobs out loud.

"Luna..." You gently call out.

"Girl, either you stop crying or I am going after Taehyung and cutting him into pieces." Mia talks, you knew by the concerning look in Mia's eyes that she is devastated by what was happening to both Luna and Taehyung.

Jimin, on the other hand, pulls Luna by her wrist before pulling her into a warm embrace. Similarly, with Taehyung, Luna lets all her pain out against his chest. Her choked sobs and soiled face with unstoppable tears were churning your cores. How can you end her pain? Luna has done a lot for you, she was always there for you when you needed her. Then why can't you do the same and end her pain for her?

"I don't want to leave my Tae..." She mustered up to let her feelings out in between her loud sobs. Jimin only rubs her back soothingly.

"Then don't. He clearly doesn't either." You state.

"No. I say you go get the divorce." Jimin throws randomly.

You and Luna were taken aback but the extreme reaction was done by Mia herself. Jimin momentarily gulps at her striking glare but quickly shifted to Luna. Sniffling, she separates from Jimin's chest and watches Jimin with her big, red eyes.

You all were seated on the floor. Luna searched for any hint of jokes in Jimin's orbs, but she found none. "What? You wanted it then why are you so shocked when I am repeating your words."

"I..." She looks down, fisting her dress and already feeling new sets of tears forming in her eyes.

"Get the divorce, leave Taehyung and make Luca run from one house to another. Yeah, that will be awesome! I will make sure Taehyung finds another girl and settle with her! Don't worry, he will get over you in no time." Jimin threw in a harsh tone. Just the mere thoughts of this plunged a knife into Luna's heart.

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