Day 9| His companion

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Day 9: His companion

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''Look, Y/n. You need to let me go. I am only doing my job and I promise it's strictly professional.'' Juana begins to explain. You scoff. The last time you met her, she was indirectly bragging about her past with Jimin. If a blood bath occurs tonight, you are blaming it on your raging pregnancy hormones and Park Jimin. You felt impatient to snap both of their necks for angering you like this, yet they aren't grateful enough that you are keeping your composure.

''Oh save it.'' You chuckle cynically once again. ''I want to see your performance. Go on perform!'' You urge. ''Jiminie, baby you go to the centre. I would like to see her performance on you.''

Jimin was slowly losing his patience. He knew it was a bad idea since the time boys surprised him with Juana's presence. He knew his friends only meant it as a joke and thought it would be funny to bring Juana in. But, he was never too fond of the idea. He didn't need anyone to strip dance in front of him, not for a bachelor party... not for anything in his life. He would rather have you stripping behind closed doors, only for his eyes.

''Babygirl, this is enough. Juana you can leave.'' His voice lowered in an intimidating manner.

Juana took that as a golden opportunity to escape. ''AH! Nope!'' You warn. ''Come back right now.'' You clench at her and find Jimin sighing. ''I don't think you have the right to sigh right now.'' You dangerously inch closer to Jimin. You only stop when your chest attaches to his and face looking up to meet his darkened orbs.

''Your hypocrisy makes me laugh. What would you do if I said I would meet and be at the same place with a god damn dude who barely wears anything and clearly intends to seduce me and entertain me the way you would hate? What if he touched me and felt me against his-''

''Stop right there.'' He clutched your waist before slamming you against his body. He inhales sharply, almost glaring at you as if he was going to devour you. Even the thought of someone attempting to touch you stirred a wrath within him.

''Same, Jimin. I feel the exact same thing right now.''

''Juana, get lost.'' He did not lose his gaze from you when he ordered.

''Juana, stay right here.'' You glared at him with the same passion and challenge in your eyes.

''If you want Juana to watch me bend you over to that table and make your ass cheeks the same colour as your dress, then be my guest.'' He squeezes your skin.

Your knees almost gave out at the commanding voice of his. Juana on the other hand regretted even meeting Jimin. ''Guys, can you stop eye-fucking each other and let me go. Y/n, I fucking promise you won't see me ever again. I only came here because the boys invited me. And, I have performed in various bachelors party, your man isn't the only special one.'' She rolled her eyes, feeling overly done.

You then at last glare at her. You somehow grip free from Jimin and walk near the girl. Although she was still taller than you, your attitude and challenging glare towered her over. ''Listen bitch, I should be fucking strangling both of you but I am being civil so shut the fuck up and cooperate.''

She rolled her eyes. ''Or else what are you going to do?''

You simply raised a brow at her. She uncomfortably shifts and relaxes her stressed brows. ''Fine. What do you want me to do?''

''I want to you be truthful about what kind of show you were about to run today. Jungkook said something about a private show.'' You were willing to hear them out even though you really doubted your fists wanted to.

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