Day 5| The guest

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The guest

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''Good thing you both made up quickly'' Mrs Kim smiles before advancing you. ''I couldn't stand the look on your face that day. Always be happy, my child.''

You return the same genuine smile. ''Now that both of you are fine, I am here to give you this.'' She hands you an envelope. Your curiosity peaked when you inspected the white envelope with a floral seal on it.

''Luna and I planned this little activity for both of you. Luna and Taehyung had done this before their marriage and now I want you to do the same.'' She begins to explain.

''Oh, sounds interesting! What is it?!'' Elle enthused from the couch. Mrs Kim wasn't too fond of Elle being in your house for obvious reasons. She didn't feel the need to attend Elle so she ignored her input and encouraged you to open it.

You view an invitation card from what seems like a bakery. ''This place has this workshop for couples that are to marry. It allows them to create a wedding cake by themselves and play with different flavours or add any personal touch. At the end, the bakery will try their best to replicate the same cake professionally for your wedding day!''

Your jaw drops. ''That's a wonderful idea!'' You felt excitement running in your vein as you jumped and hugged your future mother in law.

''What's up with the commotion?!'' Your fiance arrives and stands next to you before naturally placing his hands around your waist.

''Look at this!'' While you get busy showing Jimin the invitation and explain what Mrs Kim had revised, the woman sitting on the couch felt rather salty. She almost had the urge to roll her eyes at the scenario.

''Mrs Kim, your ideas are always the best!'' Elle faked a sweet smile. She felt too bitter to the point that she promised herself only one thing; she will make sure to ruin the cake and the wedding.

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When you and Jimin arrive at the place, you instantly get greeted by a smiling lady. She left both of you in an extensive kitchen, with all the ingredients present along with the instructions to make a cake. The lady was also kind enough to talk you through the procedure and demonstrating the steps herself. When she left after wishing you a warm luck, Jimin was left gawking at the counter filled with many components. 

''Shall we get started?!'' You clap excitedly before taking the apron. Jimin sulks childishly before watching you put on the apron. His arms instinctively reach your apron, helping you to tie it. ''Do we have to do this?'' The man already begins to charge.

''We didn't even start yet! Come on, smile smile!'' You take his apron and put it above his head.

"Remember how bad things went when I tried to cook on our date?"

''Yes, but it was because of Evan. Now it's only me and you, baby.'' You remind him. Speaking of Evan, reminded you of Elle. You still have to talk about her to Jimin. But, you didn't know exactly what was stopping you. You just didn't want another argument to fall between you two, especially when you just recovered from one. You have fought multiple times with Jimin out of your insecurity and jealousy and each time it turned out to be a false alarm. Maybe this time is also a false alarm, You think.

''True. Anyways, how about you make the cake and I go take a rest.'' He stretches.

You roll your eyes in return. ''I would like you to try, pretty boy.'' You warn him.

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