Day 14| Will you marry me?

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Day 14: Will you marry me?

* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•°. *

"No! No! He is coming!'' You shake vigorously. Nervous would be an understatement to describe how you were feeling at that moment. You were stood by the window, waiting for Jimin to arrive at any minute. Seojin was given the crucial job to bring Jimin to the current location. 

All the people who had promised to bring the house to life, had stayed until the very end. Now you were present inside a complete and well-decorated home. And its is all thanks to the loyal friends of yours. 

''Y/n, don't stress!'' Jungkook grabs you by the shoulder and make you face his perfect and handsome face. ''Breathe in and breathe out...'' He instructs and you follow the breathing excercise.


You nod. 

''JK! Get back here! The line isn't straight!'' Luna hollered from the back, breaking his moment with you. 

''Jesus, Luna! Fix it then!''

''You fix it! The petals are everywhere, even a five year old could do better than this!'' Jungkook groans frustratingly before giving you smile and run towards your best friend.

''Hey, pretty girl. You promised that no more crying, then why do you look like you're in the verge of sobbing?'' Hoseok snickers. ''Don't worry, everything will be sorted tinight.'' He gives you warm embrace.

''Yes. It will.'' You determiningly speak.

''Y/n and Hobi, we missed some candles!'' Yoongi yells from the other side of the room. 

You cry out, ''Then why is everything already falling apart?!'' You run towards Yoongi to fix whatever was needed to be fixed.

At that exact time, Jin's phone rings, notifying an arrival message of his wife. ''Oh no! Guys, they are here! Everyone get into your positions!'' He claps and you witness bunch of running adults all around the room.

You do not get time to freak out more as your feet pick up their pace to you run upstairs. 

* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•°. *

''Jeez, Jimin! You look like you're in a mess.'' Seojin comments as they step into the front yard. ''I told you to wear something nice!''

''Why does it matter?'' He grumpily asks. ''Why are we here anyway? The house is not complete yet.'' Jimin looks over the building. ''And will never be.'' He rather mutters the last part bitterly.

''I know. But, come without any questions. I just wanted to show you something unusual I found.'' Seojin cringed at the most pathetic excuse she made to bring Jimin to the scene. In her defence she was never a good liar.

''Can you wait inside? I forgot my phone in my car!'' She quickly rambles out. ''You have the keys, don't you?''

Jimin found it unusual but he couldn't be asked to enquire the woman. Frankly, he lost interest over everything not just the desire to ask questions. Upon Seojin's leave, he walked towards the door with a heavy heart.

It pained him a lot to stare at the house he so eagerly built for his future with you. He, with much effort brushed you off his mind and twist the door. Surprisingly for him, he didn't need to use the keys as it was already found unlocked.

As soon as his eyes laid inside the house, his breath hitched. He meets a house filled with many, uncountable candles on each surface. The candlelights casts a natural, sanctified shine on the kissed walls. The room that was previously gloomy by the lighting, now casts the nicely decorated furntiures with a golden glow. In the middle of all, lays a beautiful long pathway of rose petals; in front of the naked flames of candles, relishing in the light and casting a beautiful, sentimental effect. At that moment, Jimin is simply mesmerised and at loss of words.

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