Day 15| Sneaking out

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Day 15: Sneaking out

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You groaned. This is the sixth time you've done that. Lying down on the bed of your mother's house is all you were doing. You stared at the ceiling and felt like a grounded teenager who has her phone confiscated. Except, this time was by Luna. Your best friend and Taehyung took it as their personal agenda to separate the two of you until the wedding day.

Everyone thought it is a good idea to make you and Jimin suffer and see each other only on the wedding day. According to them, it makes the whole situation more exciting. 

''For fucks sake, damn everybody!'' You kick the air. You didn't even have your phone with you to contact Jimin. ''Is this really necessary?!'' You speak to whoever was listening at that time. You knew that Jimin was staying over at Taehyung's, which is why you had to cave into your mother's apartment for the night.

Thankfully she had another room to spare or else, you really doubted she was bothered to keep up with your random whining of frustration at this hour of the night. There were only a few hours until your big day, and nervousness and longing for Jimin are what your mind could offer.

You hated to admit that you were missing Jimin terribly. You tried your best to tell yourself that it's only a matter of a day and after that, you will both tie a knot and will be seeing each other for the rest of your life. ''But I wanna see him now!'' You groan impatiently.

That is when you hear an ominous sound. Your neck jerks in the direction of the window. Was it the wind? Your heart picked up a pace of tension. At first, you intended to turn to the opposite side and do anything but look back at the source again. However, the rustling sounds grow louder, and your interest grows along with it.

Before you knew, you began to walk towards the window. ''Y/n, help!'' You hear a familiar voice that startles you. After calming your rushed heart, there you viewed; Park Jimin.

"Jimin?! What the fuck?!" You whisper-yell, opening the window fully. "What are you doing here?!"

Your fiancé only grins hugely. "Baby, why are you surprised? This is not the first time I'm breaking into your house." He places a peck on your lips.

"My mum will see you! Go away!" You whisper and screech at the same time. Although you verbally tell him to leave, your arms, on the other hand, pulls him to safety of your room.

"I don't care about your mum, I missed you and those fuckers took my phone as well!" He refers to Taehyung and Luna. "Anyways, as if they can stop me from seeing you." He smirks before kissing your lips once again by pulling you by the waist.

His hand instinctively touches your belly before giving it a rub, greeting the fetus growing inside with a smile. 

"Mmm! I missed you." You snake your arms around his neck. You both giggle as your forehead meets and Jimin takes your lips once again.

''Y/n, is everything okay?'' You and Jimin squirt away from one another when you hear your mother's voice. ''Yes, mum!'' You quickly push Jimin to the bathroom, in case she decides to enter your room. Jimin being Jimin, pulls your wrist and drags you inside the bathroom along with him. 

''Jimin!'' You scold, ''What if she comes inside?! I need to go!'' You kept your voice toned down, just in case the voice transferred to Mrs Kang.

''Why do we have to hide? We are getting married in few hours! You're practically mine. We don't need to be scared of anyone.'' He proudly shrugs as if he has the guts to show himself to your mother at that moment. 

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