Day 4| Jin's challenge

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Day 4: Jin's challenge

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When you casually worked your muscles to mix the pancake mixture, you felt a body behind you. Jimin grumbles against your neck, leading to a satisfied sigh as he back hugged you. ''Good morning, babygirl.''

''Good morn-'' Jimin makes you face him, forcing you to neglect your batter. ''Jimin! No!'' You gasp when you feel his tongue and plump lips working on the skin of your collarbones. Jimin didn't simply know the meaning of personal space early in the morning. While you attempted to make some breakfast to feed yourself, Jimin fed onto something else. ''Elle will see!''

''Okay and? we all are adults here.''

''Yes, but she may get offended.'' You speak. You remembered how she once requested to keep the noise level down when one night, you and Jimin forgot that you had a guest in your house.

Groaning, he looks at you. ''Why do you think about every single person on this earth, except me? Your boyfriend is hungry. And that is for you.'' He places a breathy peck on your lips.

You giggle out. ''You're always hungry!''

''As I should be.'' He replies. You push his shoulder to wiggle out of his grip. However, in the process you find him hissing in pain. 

Worryingly, you look at him. ''What happened? Are you okay?''

''Yeah, of course!'' He winced. You glare at him in a mixture of concern and displeasure. You didn't buy his response. ''Stop worrying! It was just a tickle.''

You glared at him suspiciously. ''Don't look at me with those eyes! Don't get mad-''

''Of course, I will. I told you to take everything easy. You wouldn't even tell me if you are in pain.'' You complain.

''Baby, I am not in pain! Plus, I can't take anything easy. We don't have enough time till the big day. I want to finish everything before that.'' You understand his sentiments but there's no way you would prioritise anything else than him. ''Also Dad needs my help too.''

His family was facing a lot of issues for the past few months. Ever since Mrs Kim went against your mother, not only your mother's reputation but also Kim family's business saw many faces of conflicts. Companies did not appreciate the loss Mrs Kim caused them due to them all being connected to Mrs Kang somehow. Because of this, you often saw both Taehyung and Jimin going there to help their parents whenever they could. 

There were so many uncertainties that made you wonder if it was really a good time to marry. ''What are you thinking?'' He asked. You shake your head quickly. ''You're worrying about something. What is it?'' 

''I don't know... is it really a good idea to throw a wedding in the picture now? Your family is going through a lot and it's all because of me.''

''Hey, we talked about this.'' Jimin comforts you. He cups your cheeks. ''It's not your fault. The time was chosen by my mum anyway. She's the one most excited about this! My family wants this more than you think they do. Besides works and personal life are two separate things. We are struggling at work, not in our personal lives.'' He clarifies.

''Okay!'' You smile. ''Now go! I need to make breakfast.'' You push him and Jimin fakes a pain to make you worry. ''Oh shoot! Sorry! Did I hurt you?''

''Apology not accepted! Give me a smooch!'' He puckered his lips before leaning in. You roll your eyes before giving in and place a kiss against his demanding ones. 

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