Day 4| Heat

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Day 4: Heat

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Luna comes forward with a perplexed look on her face. On normal days, you would accept her consolation but not right now. You have had multiple conversations with Jimin about facing his biological parents. You always insisted on him to give them another chance to redeem themselves. But, each conversation leads to a disagreement and a bitter exchange of communications. It's like only you were determined to unite them when Jimin always opposed. 

''Where is Jimin?'' You ask again. Looking at Taehyung who had a distressed look on his face. You then look at Mrs Kim who was seated on the couch, looking at the floor while her husband tried to console her.

''Y/n..'' You hear Mrs Park approaching you. You were already darn furious at her for coming here uninvited. You haven't told Jimin but you kept in contacts with them out of pity and their constant request to know more about their son's well-being. You promised them you will try to talk to Jimin but you didn't expect them to appear like this. 

''I told you that I will try to convince Jimin!'' You say. ''Why did you come like this?!''

The parents themselves looks hurt and confused. If it wasn't for Luca crying from the bassinet and snap you out of your thoughts, you would've lost yourself to anger. You quickly compose yourself to ask more gently this time, ''Why did you come?'' You ask Mr Park.

''Don't blame him. It's my fault.'' She still decided to not tell you the reason.

You open your mouth to say something but Taehyung stops you, ''Y/n, You should go to Jimin. Things didn't go too well before you came.'' He informed. You guessed that by seeing the tension and ominous silence in the room. They definitely had a breakout prior to your arrival. ''He is in the room.'' 

You nod to Taehyung. Before going to your room, you walk to Mrs Kim. She looked devastated and it was breaking your heart to see that. ''Are you okay?'' You tenderly ask. She only gives you a weak smile. 

''I am okay, dear. But my son isn't.'' She speaks. 

You look at Mrs Park briefly, she also felt guilty hearing the woman who raised her biological son speak with such endearment. You were very much aware of the tension between these two sisters but right now, you had another person to focus on than the two respective women fighting for their claim over your boyfriend. ''I will go check on Jimin.'' You tell Mrs Kim and she nods.

''Y/n! Wait!'' Mrs Park stops you. You look back, ''Can you please tell Jimin to talk to me? It breaks my heart to see him like this. I just want my son back.'' She requests. 

On normal days, you would try to understand her. But at that moment, the situation allowed you to be harsh instead. ''That's very rich of you to say.'' You scoff. ''You neglect him as a child. Then call him only to use him by emotionally blackmailing him. Then you decide to suddenly appear and completely ruin his life, hurt him, me and his family.  Now suddenly you want him back? What right do you have on him?'' 

''This isn't how you should speak to her.'' Mr Park came forward, sharply. 

Taehyung's protective instinct striked as he came ahead to block the furious man from approaching you. ''Easy there. I don't think you have the right to be angry here.'' Your friend's deep voice grunts.  

''Stop being so disrespectful!''

''I think I was being very respectful when I was speaking there.'' You fold your arms. ''All I asked for is to give him some space to heal. Didn't I promise that I will try to talk to him for you? Then why did you suddenly come here?''

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