00| The proposal

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A/n: I was meant to publish like five hours ago, I fully thought I pressed publish already! But realised I only edited and never published the chapter! Curse me all you want for my stupidity and here's an update!


[3 months ago]

In the midst of unwelcomed winter and goosebumps throughout your clothed body, you were utterly confused as to why the three days of your vacation seemed to be a complete pain in the ass. You expected the days to go slightly different, knowing that you no longer lived alone and have a boyfriend to spend time with.

You walked along the pavement after huffing for the nth time while thinking back to the fight you had with Jimin earlier in the morning. Curving your lips upside down you recalled exactly where you went wrong. Ugh, NO. It was his fault! Who the fuck fights about butter? You mentally conclude.

There is no way you are accepting defeat when the reason you took three days off was to spend more time with him. If he prioritised the damned butter over you, then it is his fault.

You fasten your pace out of anger. However, soon your legs and thoughts also halt at the devastating feeling. ''No, I don't want to sleep separately.'' You whine at the thought. Every time you and Jimin get into any sorts of argument, both of your egos push you to sleep separately. Although none of you enjoyed it and it was physically painful, you both still let your ego win every time.

Your thoughts get cut when your phone rings. It was Jimin. ''What?'' You speak, not in the mood to talk nicely.

''I forgot my USB. I will text you the place, come and drop it.'' He cuts the call after ordering. Your temper reaches a new peak when your mouth leaves a scoff.

''What the- Who the hell does he think he is?! Ugh!'' You groan staring angrily at your phone as if it's Jimin. You turn your heel furiously to go back home to collect his darn USB.

On the other hand, Jimin guiltily stares at the phone. ''You idiot.'' Hoseok shakes his head.

''We asked you to not make it obvious and you decide to be rude like this?!'' Taehyung clicks his tongue.

''Okay we had an argument last night, this is more natural approach.''

''Natural my ass.'' Yoongi inserts. ''You never talk to her like this, even when you are mad.'' He reminds. ''That's more suspicious if you ask me.''

''Oh please! She is too mad to analyse.'' Jimin replies.

''Let's not mention how we asked you to distance yourself from her for a bit so you don't spill your guts and you ended up having a baseless argument about... butter?'' Jungkook also revised.

''Can you guys stop?! Focus! Ugh, all of you are useless! Where is Luna?'' He whines, fiddling with the small box in impatience. Jimin refused to let go of the small box that contained a beautiful ring that was meant to symbolise you and his reunion. ''FYI Kook, she was more passionate about our butter fight than I was.''

''That's how you know you guys are indeed made for each other.'' Jungkook sarcastically speaks.

''Thank you,'' Jimin replies with a shit-eating grin.

''It wasn't a compliment, you dumbass.'' Taehyung threw the basket in your boyfriend's direction. ''Start decorating how Luna has written here, otherwise before the wedding, we will have to prepare for your funeral.''

''Ugh, where is she even?''

''She went to decorate the fort.'' He answered. ''You seriously had to hire a whole ass fort to propose?'' Taehyung complains due to the long day.

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