Day 13| Fixing a house

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Day 13: Fixing a house

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Your heart picked up an unknown rush of adrenaline when you finish the call. Mrs Kim has arrived before your house. She could walk in any minute and you will be left to face the lady herself. Amongst all of the chaos, you completely forgot about informing her about the incident in Elle's workshop, break up and even your pregnancy. 

"Fuck, Mrs Kim..." You hear Jin mumble. Luna turns to Taehyung, "Did you inform mum about Jimin and Y/n?" She asks. As much everyone was aware, Taehyung hasn't informed or put anything to do with wedding arrangements on halt. In fact, things have gone so fast that Mrs Kim didn't know half the things that has been going on with you for the last couple of days. Now picturing the raging woman, made you regret everything. She deserved to be informed about all of this.

"I didn't tell her anything!" Taehyung refuses. "Fuck, what if it's Jimin?"

"Don't tell me everyone still thinks that the wedding is still happening..." Namjoon looks at you as if you and Taehyung were the dumbest humans alive. "What if Jimin says no tomorrow?!" Yiseul slaps his arms before glaring at him. His statement worries you considerably.

''Shut up, Joon! Don't worry Y/n, he will say yes!'' Luna smiles, although she herself hoped with all her will that he does say yes. 

Mrs Kim presents herself before you. ''Y/n, what am I hearing?! What is going on with you two?'' She goes straight to the point, without greeting you.

You looked over your friends, wordlessly asking for some space. They understand and steps outside to room for the time being.

She sighs before embracing you. ''You're pregnant?'' You accept her motherly gesture. ''I am so happy.'' She cups your face. The moment of celebration gets cut short when she utters the name of the father of your child. ''But Jimin...''

''You kids always bring yourselves in these kinds of situations! I am hearing about Elle from our family lawyer. I am not too elated to know this from my lawyer. I wish you and Jimin informed me before anyone else. I am his mother, I need to be informed from you and not some random lawyer.''

''I am really sorry.'' You gaze down, ashamed.

''I will talk to Jimin. That stupid son of mine-''

''No! Please, don't!'' You quickly stop. ''I want to fix this myself. I know you're capable to solve this for us but I want to do this myself. Please, trust me. I promise I can fix this.''

''Of course, I trust you.'' She gives you warm smile. ''I won't step in if you don't want me to. But, I do want you guys to resolve this soon because I for once do not want to miss my son's wedding.'' She laughs and you return the same light-hearted gesture.

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''Handsome Hope, reporting for duty!'' Hoseok, the latest comer greets you. After the meeting, he had gone to pick up Ravi and the two female friends of his. You giggle at him before shaking your head and lightly punch his chest. 

You look around yourself. You were in front of your name plate against the door of what was meant to be your future house. The italic writing of 'Mr & Mrs Park' did indeed sent a dagger in your heart. However, instead of taking the pain in your heart as a displeasing feeling, you take it as a motivation to work on your mistakes.

You view Jin and Seojin on one side with Taehyung and Luna. Jungkook was beside Yoongi and his fiancee and Namjoon also arrived holding the hands of Yiseul. Luna invited Yunhee and Lia to help out as well. ''Okay, so open the door! Or are we staring at the nameplate and having another weeping session?'' Jin speaks.

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