- Richie Tozier

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Trash mouth >:3

Y/NN = Your nick name

BTW slight warning for sexuality slurs like FA- you know what

"Really that's how you want to spend your summer? Inside an arcade?" Eddie teased as they dumped their schoolwork into the trash cans.

School just got out and summer break began. Richie loved summer. The arcades, the quarry, no school, endless relaxation, no school. What more could you want?

"Beats spending it inside your mom." Richie made his comeback and went for a high five from Stan but was rejected.

As Eddie went on a side rant about how disgusting that was Richie's attention focused on something else. That something was someone by the name of Y/N or Y/NN as Richie liked to call you. You had Y/H/C that looked so silky people just wanted to run their hands through it and your eyes were a Y/E/C that were just stunning. Richie may or may not have a small, minor crush on you. But he wasn't alone, half the girls in the school if not more were head over heels for you.

"Rich are you even listening?" Eddie asked and jabbed his side with his elbow.

Richie snapped back to reality and lost sight of you, "Course Spageddie! You were talking about how you wanted to join me and your mom next time."

Eddie looked ready to strangle him but before he got the chance Richie started to walk off, "I'll see you chaps at the quarry got some business to take care of if you know what I mean."

The losers groaned but made no effort to stop him. Richie adjusted his backpack as he made his way towards his bike and then to his house. One short pitstop to drop off his book bag and make sure he had deodorant on and he was out the door again and heading towards the arcade.

He made his way in after locking his bike and immediately went towards streetfighter. Truth is he never liked the game until he saw a certain cutie playing it. Then he took interest and swore to become the best at it. He came upon the game and was surprised to see you already there and playing aggressively.

You looked over your shoulder when Richie stood beside you to watch, "Trashmouth." You greeted.

"Thats my name, please wear it out." He joked and earned a small chuckle from you.

"Saw your name in 3rd place when did you get good?" You asked as you won another battle.

"Oh please I've always been good, I just haven't been using my full potential. Wanted to give other people a chance before I crush them y'know?" Richie boasted.

"How kind of you." You then purposefully lost and put in another quarter, "How about you show me your full potential?"

Richie gulped but he stepped up to the game and started. You stood next to him like Richie had done to you. Although you would help him out and tell him combos to use and at one point you leaned an arm on Richie's shoulder..

Rich has a hard time playing with you standing so close but thankfully he was saved when a girl came up to talk to you. He was a little peeved but he had to focus on the game. While you got asked out and then declined Richie got his score up to second place.

"Nice!" You said and patted him on the back, "But I did help you so it doesn't fully count."

"I didn't ask you to help though so it should still count." Richie countered and you rolled your eyes at him.

When the enter name popped up you told him to enter (Your initials plus RT) to stand for Y/N and Richie. Most people would see it and think nothing of it so neither had qualms about it. But Richie was mentally having a heart attack. His crush just put his name with Rich's on a public video game. But then again only the two of you would know. Which started another chain of thoughts about whether you had your  own little secret. Did that mean you were friends? God he hoped you were friends that'd be amazing.

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