- Max

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It was fucking cold as shit. That's what kept going through your head as you walked with Max, Neil, and Nikki back to the camp. Despite it being summer there was a cold front moving over Camp Campbell so you were fucked with a forecast of 40s to 50s all weeks.

"Bless you." Nikki and Neil both said to you after you sneezed for the 5th time during your walk.

"Thanks." You said sarcastically as you all continued to walk back.

"I fucking told you, you should of brought a jacket." Max said and turned to look at you. 

"I'm fine it's not even that cold." You replied stubbornly. 

You guys walked in silence for awhile and then Neil broke it like the nerd he is, "Are you sure you aren't cold?" He asked.

 You nodded and kept walking. Nikki gave you hive five for being "A pog champ."

When you finally made it back to camp Nikki went off to talk to Ered and Neil left to work on some upgraded heat lamps. Leaving you and Max to either make awkward small talk or spilt ways. You didn't get to make your decision before Max grabbed your arm and dragged you to his tent. 

You wouldn't admit it but you were freezing your ass off.  So you were relieved to find Max inviting you to sit next to him on his bed with a heat lamp he got from Neil. You smiled and quickly sat next to him. You grabbed his blankets and covered the two of you with it. 

A couple minutes past and soon enough you were both were cuddled up under the warm blanket leaning on each other and dozing off. You were hugging Max in your arms as he played around the strings on his hoodie. 

"Are you still cold?" He ask as he looked up at you. 

You looked down at him and smiled. "No." 

Max then quickly kissed your cheek, "Mention this to anyone and you're dead."

But just then Neil burst into the tent like a psychopath. "I have perfected the heat lamps! Now they won't light on fire- Are you two cuddling?"

 Max quickly shoved you off the bed and glared at Neil. "You saw nothing! Nothing!" 

"Sure I didn't. You totally weren't being all cute and cuddly."

"No! You saw nothing! I swear to fucking God Neil if you tell anyone I will light your bed on fire." Max threatened and Neil rolled his eyes, "Alright alright. I saw nothing."

Neil left the tent and you stood up from the spot you had fallen to on the floor. Max noticed and looked guilty, "Sorry." He whispered. 

You smiled at him and retook your spot from before next to him. "It's fine."

He gave you a small smile and you held his hand in yours. Max leaned his head on your shoulder and you traced circles with your thumb on the back of his hand. "Thanks Max. This was nice."

"No problem but you owe me one." The shorter said.

"What would that be?" You asked.

"A date."

I'm a sucker for soft Max fight me

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