- Gus

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I'm so fucking hyped for the new season so in honor here's another owl house one shot

Hexide was a big school with lots and lots of drama. But the biggest showcase of that was Gromposals. For a whole week people gossiped and talked about who was going to ask who or who they wanted to ask out/be asked by. It was all one major headache.

Gus walked through the halls without his bestfriends because he couldn't find them anywhere. They probably had their own thing going on which is cool. He'll just walk past a bunch of gossipy teenagers judging him by himself. How fun.

He felt like everyone was staring at him as he walked through the halls until he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Hey." You greeted.

To say Gus was surprised was an understatement. You were a well known student at Hexide. Popular, Smart, Kind, everything a girl (or guy) could want. So you talking to him made him forget all about the other students in the hallway and all he could focus on was your hand on his shoulder. 

You smiled at him seemingly not noticing how red his face went, "Do you know where Amity is? I heard you guys were friends."

Gus held back a frown, of course you were only talking to him because you needed to. Nothing more. "I don't actually know, sorry. She's probably with Luz right now."

"Oh okay. Thanks anyway." You smiled at him again before walking off.

Luz and Willow decided to show up just in time to watch you smile at Gus and leave. So of course they had to run up and ask what happened. Luz was new to the school but she knew enough that you were one of the popular kids.

"Was that Y/N? What did he want? What did he say?" Luz asked.

"He just asked where Amity was nothing special." Gus says.

Willow looked at Gus's face, having known him longer than Luz and Amity she knows somethings up. "What else?" She asks not trying to be nosy but still trying to find out why Gus looks a little out of it.

"Nothing else. That was it. He just asked where Amity was, I said I didn't know, and he left." Gus says.

Now Willow knew what was up. Gus probably was hoping you came to talk to him, make friends but he got let down when you only asked where his friend was. She understood that.

The trio made their way to class and you weren't brought up again till the end of school when Gus and Willow saw you talking to Luz and Amity. It was a little weird but not nearly as weird as when you looked up and saw them, face flushed and Luz laughing before you rushed off.

Gus and Willow made their way over to the two girls and asked what happened, "Well Y/N needed advice on what-" Luz started but Amity covered Luz's mouth with her hand, "We're not supposed to say anything remember?"

"Oh yeah! Sorry it's a secret." Luz said.

"C'mon you can tell us!  We're your best friends. We wont share!" Gus pleaded. 

"Sorry. Cant. Lips. Sealed." Luz says makes the zipping lips hand gesture.

"Can you give us a hint at least?" Willow asks but only for Gus's sake.

Amity sighs, "I guess. If it's the only way you'll stop asking about it."

Gus quickly nods and Amity rolls her eyes, "He's planning to ask someone to Grom and needed some advice."

"From you?" Willow asked which caused Gus to break out laughing. 

Amity's face flushed and she glared at them, "I know how to ask someone to Grom!! I'm good at advice!!"

Willow just gave her an 'oh really?' kind of look and Amity stomped off.

That was the end of the conversation for awhile until a day or two when Gus and Willow caught you talking with Luz and Amity again. 

"You sure he'll like it? I've never done something like that before. Seems kind of lame." You said.

"Trust me it's a classic where I'm from so I'm sure he'll love it!" Luz said. "I'll make sure to get it for you after school. I'm sure Eda has one laying around somewhere."

"Has what laying around?" Gus asked and the trio all went into panic mode by the sudden appearance. 

"N-nothing!!" You said, "I gotta go do homework or something bye." With that you rushed off leaving Gus and Willow confused.

"What's going on here?" Gus asked trying to look serious. 

"Like we said it's a secret and we cant tell you." Amity said.

"You'll find out soon enough anyway." Luz added.

Gus didn't know what to make of that. Was is a surprise? Who was it meant for? Was it maybe for him? Oh titan he hoped it was. That would be so cool. He wondered what it was. Luz said she was going to get something from Eda and that where she was from it was a classic. So it had to be a human thing. Were you going to pull of some classic human tradition? That'd be cool, maybe he could watch. He loved everything human.

He was so imbedded in his thoughts two days passed and he was still thinking about what it could possibly be that your going to do. Even when he got home he was thinking about it. He almost missed the music playing outside his window. Wait...music?

Gus opened the window and poked his head out. There you were with a boombox held over your head playing some cheesy song he didn't know the name of. Luz and Amity were next to you holding signs. Both with arrows pointing towards you reading, "Will you go to Grom with me?"

It took a moment to register what was happening but Gus quickly rushed outside. "You're asking me to Grom?"

You nodded with a smile.

"And you did it in the cheesy classic human way?" 

Again you nodded with a thumbs up from Luz.

"This is the best day of my life!!!!" He screamed.

"So is that a yes? My arms are getting tired." You joked.

"YES!!!" Gus yelled and as soon as you put down the boombox he ran and hugged you.

"Your welcome." Luz said to you and you fist bumped her.

Kind of short and stupid but Gus needs more love he's caring the shows comedy on his back (along with King of course) hope you enjoyed

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