- Jacob Thrombey

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I haven't watched the movie recently but I found this in my notes lol and decided to share it

I pretty much only liked this character for the actor

TW: F slur cause Jacob's a little bitch and a ton of cussing

"Get your ass out of bed." You said and snapped your fingers in front of Jacobs face. The sleeping boy groaned and flipped you off. What a great start to the morning.

"Fuck you too. Now get up." You grabbed the blanket and yanked it off Jacob.

"Holy Shit! Sense when do you sleep half naked. Your fucking disgusting." You covered your eyes with your hand and turned away from him.

Jacob scrambled out of bed and threw on some pants. He had only been wearing boxers since the ac had broke in his room last night. "Your a perv for grabbing the blankets."

"And your an internet troll and premature masturbator."

"I am not!"

"Don't even try to deny it. I know what you do."

"Now you sound like a stalker."

A knock on the door snapped you out of your argument. "Stop yelling and get downstairs for breakfast!" Linda yelled and left.

You yelled an okay to her and left the room after flipping Jacob off again.


Breakfast was a nightmare. Most of the family ignored you on a regular bases because you were only part of the staff. No one remembered when it happened but someone invited you to have breakfast with them one day and that's how it became a normal thing for you to eat with them. Same with Marta. She ate breakfast with everyone as well.

But this breakfast all eyes were on you as you ate your food quietly.

"So Y/N. We've heard that you might be gay. Is that true?" Richard said suddenly, cutting right to the chase.

You almost choked on your food. "Where'd you hear that?"

The family glanced at Jacob and Meg. You glared at Meg. You had rejected her a week or so ago. This must be her revenge on you. Telling Jacob your gay and having him spread it around. Dirty rat.

"Y/N just answer the question. We're not going to judge you we just want to know." Joni said and placed her hand on your shoulder. You moved away from her touch. "I'm not gay. Now please excuse me." You stood and walked away from the family. Going outside to play with the dogs and cool off.

The rest of the day everything was back the way it usually was. Mostly everyone ignoring you and only Jacob bothered you. He was the only one who hadn't dropped the whole "gay" thing.

"What the hell is this?!" You stormed up to Jacob and showed him your phone. The text messages of guys dicks pulled up. "Stop sending me these gross ass pictures."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Fine. But admit that your gay. Remember my birthday party last year?"

You took a step forward. Your faces inches away and you glaring straight at him. "That was one time. You know damn well that I was drunk and you took advantage of it to fulfill your perverted needs."

Jacob took a step back and bumped into the wall. "I did no such thing."

"BullShit. You're the one who handed me a drink and told me it was juice. But you knew it was wine."

"I-I didn't."

You glared at him once again. "Whatever. Go to hell." You flipped him off and walked away.

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