- Stanley Barber

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The smell of weed lingered in the air, a cloud of haze spread out above the two teenagers like a comforting blanket. Stanley was laying with his head hanging over the side of the bed while one leg was propped up on a pillow. You were lying on the floor, feet pushing against the wall, eyes staring intently at the ceiling. 

"I think I might be in love with you." 

The words hung heavy in the air, disrupting the calming silence. Clearing some of the haze surrounding your minds.

You had spoken without thinking, one of the effects weed seemed to have on you. Any filter you had possessed prior had been broken down by the drug. 

"What?" Stan asked, sitting up way to fast. He clutched his head, the blood rush hitting him hard from having his head dangling over the bed. 

You stayed still, focus still glued to the ceiling. "I think I'm in love with you." You repeated.

Even though it was a stupid statement. You knew he was in love with Sydney, probably straight too with your luck. 

His silence killed you inside. "Sorry, that was stupid, just the weed talking, forget I said anything." You sputtered out, turning on your side to face away from him.

You only turned back towards him when you heard shuffling off the bed and a warm hand touching your shoulder.

"Why do you think you're in love with me?" Stan asked. 

You only shrugged your shoulders in response. "Cause I am?" You answered.

"So, it went from think so to am?" Stan laughed, "Why?"

You rolled your eyes, "I don't know. Why are you in love with Syd?"

"I'm not in love with Syd." 

You shot up from the floor, turning to face him fully, moving to sit crisscross on the bedroom floor. 

"You're not? What happened?" You asked.

Stan smiled, but it had a hint of sadness to it, "Yeah, I realized she'll never like me like I liked her. It was always going to be one sided."

You nodded, "You're not exactly her type."

Stan punched your shoulder lightly, "Shut up," he laughed, "I'm trying to be serious."

"Alright, alright." You chuckled. 

He smiled and moved to be closer to you, taking your hands in his. "So how do you know you love me?"

"I don't know," You shrugged, "I love hanging out with you. I love your stupid hair and smile. Your dorky sense of humor, terrible fashion sense-"

"Okay, okay! Never mind!" Stan laughed releasing one of your hands to try and cover your mouth.

You laughed along with him. "Oh, c'mon I've still got a couple more!"

Stan shook his head at you, a smile stuck on his face. "No, I think I got the gist of it. My turn now."

"Your turn?"

"Yeah! My turn to say what I love about you."

"You love me?"

"Yeah? Oh shit did I not say that already?"

You laughed and laid your forehead against his shoulder, "No idiot you didn't say that yet."

"Well, I love you." Stan said, rubbing circles against your back. "Your stupid laugh and sparkly eyes."


"Shut up! Let me finish." He faked a cough and continued, "I love that you make me laugh, and you make time to hang out with me. You ask me how I'm doing, and you make me feel loved."

You lifted your head off his shoulder, "That was sappy."

"I know." He laughed. "But it's all true. I realized Syd never made me feel that way. It always me asking her how she was doing, trying to spend time with her. I was always the one putting in the effort and I realized that's not healthy."

"No shit sherlock." You rolled your eyes. "You followed her around like a lost puppy."

Stan once agin punched your shoulder. You dramtically clutched your shoulder and laid on the ground.

"Oh the strength! My shoulder is broken!" You flailed around the floor. Stan shaking his head at your actions.

"Tis but a flesh wound." He said causing you to crack up.

Stan laughed with you, moving to lay by your side. Both laughing and breathing in the foggy air of the nerdy bedroom. Hands slowly inching closer until the fingers were intertwined. The two boys lay on the floor staring at the popcorn cieling, with grins on their faces, and hands clasped together.

"I think I love you." Stan said, mocking your early statement.

You turned to look him in the eyes, "Shut up."

"Make me." Stan countered, his smile growing.

Rolling your eyes your smile matched his as you leaned forward, planting a kiss on his forhead. 

"Lame!" Stan said and moved to hover over you slightly.

"Whatcha gonna do about it?"

Stan leant down and kissed you, it wasn't perfect, his smile ruining it, and his small giggles while trying to maneuver his nose not to crash into yours. You weren't any better. But when Stan pulled away you chased after him. Kissing him again. 

The rest of the night was spent sharing kisses and joints as Bloodwitch played quietly in the background.

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