- Eddie Munson

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You said you wanted more @lanzrs and I happen to have a draft or two for this man

"And she laughed! Like a genuine laugh!" Robin ranted to you about how the basketball game had gone. You were stuck babysitting and had missed it.

"Of course she laughed, it's my Muppet joke." Steve interjected.

You rolled your eyes at the two. You were working at the video rental store with Keith long before these idiots showed up, but you had to admit they lightened the atmosphere. You'd never admit it to their faces, but you liked them.

"Yo N/N whatcha thinkin bout?" Robin asked as she leaned on the counter.

"If I should duct tape your mouth shut or knock you out." You joked.

Robin faked a gasp, "You wouldn't"

"Don't tempt me." 

The bell to the store rung and Robin instantly touched her nose. It had become a thing where when a customer walked in you, Steve, and Robin would all do silent nose-goes to see who had to help them. With Steve already working on restocking movies you had lost the game.

"Welcome, how can I help you today?" You asked as you turned to face the customer.

Only to come face to face with Eddie "the freak" Munson. You had only ever talked to the guy in biology but that was junior year. You were graduated and he was repeating his senior year. 

"L/N? I didn't know you worked here." Eddie said with a smile.

"Have for a year now. What can I do you for?" 

"Any recommendations?"

"Depends on the genre. If you're going for horror, Gremlins. Comedy? Spaceballs or Ferris. Action? Die Hard, obviously." You listed a couple off the top of your head. "I could go on for days but you probably don't want to hear all of my recommendations."

Eddie smiled at your short rant. "I've got time. What's your favorite?"

"Dude I can't pick just one!" You rolled your eyes. "There's so many good ones. But if I had to pick a couple I'd go with Beetlejuice, Ghostbusters, Karate Kid, and Prince Bride. Those were all awesome."

"I'll take one of each." Eddie and leaned over the counter.

You stared at him for a second, "Really?"

"Yeah! If there your favorites, they've gotta be good!" 

Smiling, you went and grabbed the movies. Ringing them up you glanced over at Eddie to find him staring at you. Probably just making sure you did it right.

When you handed the movies over to him your hands touched, and it was stupid, but you smiled at the contact. Either you were incredibly touch starved or your crush on the guy from junior and senior year was back in full swing.

"Thanks L/N." Munson said with a smile and left but not without a wink.

You smiled back and watched him leave. Oblivious to Robin sneaking up behind you.

"What was that?" Robin asked leaning over your shoulder.

You jumped from the sudden voice, "Jesus! Robin!"

"Sorry sorry. But seriously what was all that?"

"All of what?" You asked as you ran a hand through your hair to calm down.

"The flirting! Duh!" Robin laughed. 

"We weren't flirting! He's just nice." Very convincing Y/N.

"He was staring at you the whole time and almost no one likes your movie recommendations so there's gotta be something going on. And what about that not-so-subtle wink on the way out?"

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