- Alador Blight

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Alador is probably a little out of character cause there's not much to work with lol the man needs more screentime

Someone requested this man but I can't find who, so I hope you see this if you're the one who asked lol

"Get him Blight!" A young Y/N screamed in a messy crowd of witches.

Alador was in the ring fighting for the Brawler's Belt.

That was the day Y/N realized he loved him. The thought of him getting hurt scared him but seeing how happy he was when he won made Y/Ns heart melt. He wanted that smile to stay on his face forever.

But overtime it faded. Y/N always tried to get his smile back, but it seemed the man he fell in love with wasn't quite there anymore. Not sense he married Odelia. 

"Alador! Are you free tonight? A couple of our old friends are planning on meeting up for drinks, I'd love for you to join us. Get out of the house and away from the wife for a little while." Y/N walked into Alador's workshop. 

He had become a regular at the Blight mansion, enough so he was granted his own key, by Alador of course, Odelia didn't know. 

Speak of the devil, "L/N I told you to stop coming by unannounced. We have a business demonstration tonight so he will not be able to attend your little get together." 

"I believe it's up to him Odelia." Y/N retorted. 

Alador looked to both of them but with a sigh agreed he had to be at the business demonstration, "I'm sorry L/N but business comes first, maybe some other time."

"I understand," you said. "But if you change your mind, you know where to find me."

With that you left but not without throwing a glare towards Odelia. You couldn't help it. You blamed her for the dull eyes and lack of a spine Alador had now. He was working himself to death, not that he didn't care about his creations before, but now there was no joy in it anymore for him, just work. 

"I'm afraid to say I told you so." Darius said as you walked out of the Blight mansion.

You threw a glare his way as well, "He's preparing for a business demonstration tonight." 

"I could have told you that," Darius rolled his eyes, "But you insisted on at least inviting him."

"Odelia has him wrapped around her finger! It's all her fault. He would have accepted if she hadn't butted in." 

"I know you care about him but at some point, you have to move on. The man he used to be is gone."

Y/N cringed, "Geez you're making it sound like he's dead."

Darius chuckled.

"I wish he'd just end things with her. It's not like their relationship was built on love anyway. It was always about the money for Odelia at least."

"Is that jealousy I hear?" Darius teased.

Y/N used his magic to land a hit on Darious' shoulder. "Now I really need a drink."


Today was the Day of Unity. The end of it all unless The Cats, who Y/N had joined due to Darius' persuasion, could stop it. Along with the help of literal children. It was an understatement to say that Y/N was not okay with using children to fight Belos. They should be having fun, practicing magic, and pining over their best friends like he did when he was their age, not overthrowing a corrupt dictator.

"I'm going to stop the next shipments of abomatons from the Blights." Y/N interjected the group meeting. "And I'll take Luz to see her girlfriend while I'm at it."

"Y/N that wasn't the plan-" Raine started to say but stopped when they saw Y/N's expression.

"I'm changing the plan." Y/N said.

No one stepped in to say otherwise.

"Get your things kid and say your goodbyes." Y/N turned to Luz and made his way out of the meeting room.

Darius caught his arm before he could make it to the door. "Are you sure this is the-"

"If this doesn't work out, I want to at least die having told him how I feel. And she's just a kid Darius, if I can give her a just bit of happiness before all hell breaks loose than I will."

Staring into Y/N's eyes for a second Darius nodded and let the man leave. He had been forced to witness his friends pining for years so even if the end happened or they somehow managed to pull all this off at least he wouldn't have to bear through hearing Y/N whine about his one-sided love anymore.


The air seemed stiff as the group of kids, minus Luz, plus Alador and Y/N sailed through the air.

"Everyone okay physically?" Y/N asked to the kids. He didn't even want to know how un-okay they were mentally. He was already enough mentally unstable as it was.

They nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Y/N managed a smile towards them and joined Alastor at the front.

"How does it feel?" Y/N asked.

"How does what feel?" Alador looked to him.

"To have told her off! I'm surprised you didn't do it sooner. If I were you, I wouldn't have even married the woman, let alone date her. I can't believe you put up with her for so-"

"Can we not talk about it?" Alador snapped.

Y/N blinked at the man but nodded. "Of course. Wound's still fresh, I understand. My apologies."

An awkward silence hung over the two, both stealing glances at each other. It was broken when Y/N gave a fake cough.

"So..." He started.

"So?" Alador nudged him.

The other man sighed. "I understand this probably isn't the right time or place but seeing as we don't know if we will survive today, I figured I should finally get this off my chest."

He glanced to Alador to see his reaction, so far so good.

"I know you said not to talk about it right now but since you and Odelia had a bit of a falling out, I feel only kind of bad about saying this. I would never tell a married man this but seeing as you're my best friend and things with your wife are... complicated... I'll make an exception."

"Y/N what are you-"

"I love you."

Y/N looked away from the man next to him. He had been preparing for this day for years but that didn't make the thought of rejection any less scary. 

Alador places a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "I love you too Y/N. I'm not sure why you're-"

"As more than a friend Alador. As in I'm in love with you."

"Would you let me finish?" Alador said. "I love you too. As more than a just my best friend. I'm sorry I never said anything, and I'm sorry I let my partnership with Odelia pull us apart. I loved her too, at the beginning, but never as much as I loved and cared about you. You were my first friend, I wanted you to be my first boyfriend back when we were at Hexide but I guess I let Odelia shove us apart even then."

Y/N stared at the man for a second before crushing him in a hug. "I can't believe it took the world possibly ending to get us to finally share our feelings."

Alador let out a small chuckle as he hugged Y/N back just as tight.

I like to imagine Amity watching the whole thing just sitting there trying to process it all. Just adds one more thing to the pile of stuff she's going to stay up thinking about at night when this is all over. "We almost died. And my dad's in love with Y/N. We lost King. My dad divorced my mom for Y/N. Do I have two dads now?"

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