ch 47- Missed Calls

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The next evening I got home from London with butterflies in my tummy, as soon as Brad dropped me home I just fell asleep I was just so tired from the long day I had had the day before. I woke 2 hours later to see 4 missed call and 6 texts all from Niall. I hope his ok! I quickly rang back after 2 rings he answered.

"Niall are you ok did something happen?" I said fast and concerned.

"Ya I'm fine you just said you would ring me last night to chat but you didn't and I got worried." He said laughing.

"O Ya about that, look Niall I like you but just as a friend I'm dating Brad and I really happy with him and I don't want anything to change that and by anything I mean you or Harry even though he hasn't spoken to me in a while but still. I'm sorry "I said.

He sighed on the other side of the phone "Look Jess I'm not going to lie I do fined you attractive and I do think I could have developed feelings for you but I don't want to lose you so of course if being friends is what I have to do to keep you in my life then that's what we will do. "He said I could tell he was sad.

"Thanks Niall I have to go, I'm going to go to the park for a walk to think. See you "I said

"Bye Jess" he said and with that I hung up.

I put on my shoes and started going for a walk down the road. I got to the park and just sat there looking up at the blue sky thinking about college. I mean its mid-July and I should here from a college by now but there is still a lot of time in summer left, 7 more weeks of holidays and I am going to enjoy them to the last.

By the time I stopped thinking I noticed it was dark and decided to walk home as I got to the gate I noticed a light was on in the sit room and I couldn't see who was in there because I had the curtains closed. I started to get really scared and I carefully opened up the front door to hear people talking. I walked into the sit room to see a male and a female.


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