Chapter 102 - Concerts and A Suprise Confession

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After a few hours of messing around with the boys. It was time to go to Madison Square Garden. When we arrived there the boys were quickly rushed to hair and stylist. I was told to wait in the green room until they were ready. I decided to have a snoop around the green room. There was a massive TV with an Xbox and 5 controllers and there was a table with plenty of snacks and drinks. I went over to the table and took some chocolate covered strawberries. I was sure they wouldn't mind I mean there was about 50 left. I then took a bottle of water and sat down on a huge black couch. I went on my phone to see a text from Brad:

Be there in 5minutes traffic is bad xxxx

Just as I was putting my phone away when the door burst open. It was the boys.

"I hope you weren't lonely without me" Niall said smiling sitting down beside me.

"No I wasn't actually I was enjoying your chocolate covered strawberries" I said eating one in front of his face, he looked shocked.

"Boys they have chocolate covered strawberries" Niall said and they all ran to the table devouring the plate of them.

Niall of course had got chocolate all over his face and still hadn't realised.

I began to laugh causing him to look at me in confusion.

I grabbed a tissue and began to wipe the chocolate from his face. I could feel the boys staring at us and Niall was staring into my eyes.

Had I crossed a line?

I stepped back from Niall.

"Now your clean" I said giggling.

"You shouldn't have told him Jess it would have been so funny if he went out on stage like that" Harry said flicking my temple.

"Sorry if im a good friend" I said hitting him in the arm.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in "Louis shouted and the door opened to reveal Brad and the boys and the girls I ran over to Brad and hugged him.

"Hi I missed you" I said pecking his lips.

"I missed you too. How was your day" he asked putting a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Good the boys took care of me we just hung out and ate" I said smiling at him.

The boys all began talking to one another and the girls chatted to me, I could tell they were stars truck in front of the boys.

"Omg Jess I can't believe you hang out with 1D today and didn't invited us" Lisa said pushing me.

"I'm sorry it just happened I went for a walk and basically banged into Niall" I said realising how stupid and unrealistic that sounds.

After everyone chatting and getting to know each other for 20 minutes the boys had to go on stage. I gave all the guys a hug and wished them luck on their big performance. Brad and I and the others went to our VIP box that the boys had put us in. Brad and I sat in the corner the box and I could see how taken back he was by the sight of Madison square garden. I squeezed his hand "Someday it will be you that is performing here because you are amazing and I will be here cheering you on" I said kissing his cheek. He smiled at me.

"I love you so much Jess it hurts" he said smiling at me"

"I feel the exact same way" and with that he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me slowly. We both pulled back and I couldn't help but smile at him. The lights went down and the fans began to roar the show was starting.

The show was amazing and I wish it went on longer. After the show I decided I should say good bye to the boys. I told Brad and the others I would meet them back in the VIP box in 5 minutes.

I was outside the door when I heard the boys talking in the greenroom.

"Niall just tell her how you feel" Zayn said sympathetically. Niall had feeling for someone why didn't he tell me.

"How can I Zayn she has a boyfriend what am I meant to say Jess I think I'm in love with you" he said arguing with Zayn.

Wait Niall loves me? Since when? Am I the girl he told me about at my house?

I didn't know what to do I was in shock I decided to run back to the guys in the VIP box. I couldn't tell Brad what I had just heard because he will just get mad and tell me I told you so.

I arrived at the box and Brad was just smiling at me. I walked in.

"Did you find the boys" he said holding my hand.

"Ah No I couldn't find them but its ok let's just go to the hotel" I said smiling at him.

"Ok let's go guys" he said smiling down at me.

In the car on the way home I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was Niall.

Hey I missed you after the show where did you go J x

I didn't know what to reply or should I even reply.

I'm sorry I had a really bad headache after the show. You guys were great J

Hey guys please comment what you think I love hearing your feedback. What do you think will happen in the books ending?


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