Chapter 68- Drum Roll

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Waking up beside someone you love is a great feeling. It makes you think about the future like will you still be with this person? Will I marry this person? Will I have kids with this person? No one knows the answers to these questions. As Brad laid there with a hand around me protectively my face was faced in towards his chest. I couldn't help but smell him. It smelt like the jumpers I had taken from him. I carefully caressed is chest and cuddled into it. I could hear his heart beat and I could feel his chest rise with every breath. Brad and I weren't official yet with the fans but I'm guessing they kind of knew but didn't believe it till it came from the boys themselves. I slowly drifted off to sleep again beside his chest.

A couple of hours later I woke up to Brad gone and me hugging a pillow. He was sneaky. I grabbed my phone to see if he had text me. I took one of his t-shirts and sweats and put them on. I went down stairs to see Nat sitting at the table.

"Hey Nat" I said.

"Hey Jess" she said looking up to greet me with a big smile as usual

"Brad will be back in a while he just had to pop into town for something." She said before looking back down at her magazine.

"Ok I'm going to make some tea do you want some?" I said filling the kettle.

"Yes Please" she said.

When the kettle boiled I made the 2 teas and sat across from Nat.

"You really love Brad don't you" Nat said breaking a comfortable silence.

"Yes I love him so much that when we are apart even now I miss him so much that it hurts in my heart or like something is missing from me he is literally my other half and I'm so glad I met him" I said with a smile on my face.

"He really loves you to Jess and so do we, I feel like you're the sister I never had." She said smiling.

As she had just finished the front door opened and Brad walked in the door.

"Hello what are you 2 talking about?" brad said kissing my cheek.

"O just you" Nat said and we both started laughing making Brad turn a bright red in embarrassment and curiosity.

"Come on Jess let's go for a walk" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"Brad I can't go looking like this." I said gesturing down to his sweats and t-shirt.

"Yes you can you look cute" he said kissing the top of my nose I couldn't help but smile.

"Come on then" he said grabbing my hand and bringing me out the door and we headed in the direction of the nearby park.

We sat on one of the nearby benches. The park was empty and luckily Brad wasn't stopped by any fans.

"So why do you look like your hiding something" I said grabbing his face laughing.

"Ok well this morning I went and got you a present" he said biting his lip.

"Aww you're so sweet you didn't have to, what is it?" I said getting eager to know what it was.

" I feel like we don't get alone between the boys and the girls and well just everyone so........drum roll please" he said signalling for me to do the drum roll.

"Ugh where's tris when you need him. I said as we both burst out laughing.

"Anyways we are going to Tenerife for a week and we leave tomorrow!!" he said looking really excited.

I stood up and started screaming. "O my God are you serious thank you. I love you so much" I said jumping onto his lad and kissing him passionately.

"I better go home and pack" I said realising we were leaving tomorrow".

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