Chapter 23- school cakesale

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We were back for a day at school for the cakesale. We had to have it during the holidays considering the day we were ment to have it the principal forgot to put out a reminder and no one showed up so we have to do it again. We were all behind our counters. Me and a girl named Bella were selling Brownies and chocolate chip cookies. Lisa was beside me on the other table selling log cake and meringues. The doors opened and people were filling into the hall. Me and Bellas were selling out really fast. I looked up to notice Jack fletcher the popular boy from the school across town walking towards me I started to get really shy even tho we chat on Facebook and snapchat sometimes . "Hey Jess I was wondering would you like to go to my schools prom this Friday?" he said looking at the ground all shy. I quickly nodded "yes I'll go with you" a big smile came on his face and he walked off. Lisa ran over to me squealing jumping up and down "OMG OMG OMG YOUR GOING TO PROM WITH JACK FLETCHER!!!!!!" "Ya I guess" I said still in shock. It's only 3 days away. Shit I have to tell Brad.

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