Chapter 21- I just dont know

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Ever since the night of my birthday I have been trying to avoid Brad. I just know he will want an answer and I just don't know what to do. Today me and Lisa are going hanging out just ourselves. We will probably go shopping or something. I got ready to meet Lisa at her house. I wore navy tank top and white shorts. I wore natural make up with just concealer and mascara and kept my hair naturally wavy. I grabbed my phone and began walking to Lisa's house.

I arrived at Lisa and I let myself in, I went up to Lisa's room to see her video chatting TRISTAN. I tip toed behind Lisa. Tris saw me in the camera and said nothing. I jumped on Lisa's back and she screamed. Me and tristan burst out laughing. After we controlled our laughter me and Lisa said bye to Tristan. Lisa grabbed her bag and we started walking to the mall. "So have you spoke to Brad since your party?" Lisa asked. i sighed "no he texts me and I reply but then he asks if I have made up my mind wether we should go out or not and I just avoid it and change the subject or just don't reply." Lisa Gasped "wait what you didn't tell me he asked you out. What did you say?she was speaking faster and faster. "Oops I thought I told you that he kissed me and then he asked me out and I don't know what to say and I was about to say something but then I got sick." I said as fast as I could. Lisa stood there in disbelief. "Wha, what are you gonna do ?" "I don't know" I said looking down.

After a five minute walk we got to the shopping centre. We went to forever 21 first where I bought a navy velvet play suit, a bowler hat, checked shirt and some ripped black skinny jeans which I was in love with. Lisa bought a purple skater dress with 2 sides cut off, white blazer and royal blue pencil skirt. We went to a few more shops like bershka ,primark, lush etc... After we decided to go for a starbucks. We were outside Sarbucks and I noticed 4 boys sitting in the window and yes it was who you suspect it to be. I grabbed Lisa by the arm before she could see them. "Lisa I feel quiet poorly I think I'm coming down with something I think I'm gonna go but you stay and enjoy the rest of your day I'm gonna get a taxi home." before she could say anything I rushed to the first taxi I saw and left giving Lisa a small wave.


Hey guys sorry it's been a few days you know with tests and stuff.

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