Chapter 18- Suprise

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I woke up to my phone pinging. It was Tristan

happy birthday you can now legally drink lol we are out on the town to celebrate where something nice :) Pick you up at 7

Ugh I didn't want to go out I was too tired but I might as well considering I had no other plans for my birthday. I might as well get pissed so I can forget about my shitty life. I decided to go into to town and find something to wear for tonight. I searched and searched and searched nothing. I was about to give up when I walked past a charity shop. yes a charity shop and saw the most beautiful dress on the window . It was white at the top half and mint at the bottom half. It went mid thigh and it was sleeveless. I went in and asked what size it was. 6 the woman replied. I could feel a massive smile on my face it was my size. "how much is it?" I asked the old woman working there. "10 pound" she said with a sweet smile. I was shocked how was this beautiful dress just 10 pound but I didn't complain.

When I got home it was 5 so I decided to get ready. I went for a shower. I decided to curl my hair a small bit. I had a smokey eye and a light lip. I put on my dress and white stiletto heels. I was actually kind of excited to go out with tris. I felt sad tho that know one cares to wish me a happy birthday except Tris, my mom and my dad . It was 7 and I heard the car beep. I walked outside and locked the door. I sat in tris car to see him staring at me "you look beautiful." He said with his mouth wide open. "Thanks" I said feeling uncomfortable. The whole journey we just spoke and listened to music, about 20 minutes later we arrived outside a really nice night club. "Let's go in" tris said grabbing my hand. We walked into area in the club. It was pitch black. "Tris what's goi...." I was interrupted by all my friends jumping out and yelling suprise. I stood there in shock and saw Lisa run over to me and giving me a hug. "Happy birthday. What do you think?" "It's its incredible thank you so much. " I said giving her another hug. I noticed everyone my friends from school and Connor and James but no brad. I went over and started talking to Connor. "Hey where's brad?" I asked I hoped he would be here. " Sorry Jess he said he didn't want to come but he said to give you this tho". He handed me a small bag. "Thanks" I said walking away to a empty private booth away from the party. I unwrapped the box to see a pandora bracelet and a charm of a silver heart . I sat there shocked. I felt a tear fall down my face. It hurt me so much the way things were with brad. Why did I have to fall for someone in a band. I wish he came tonight....


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