Chapter 11- Lovesick

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I ran home as fast as ever after arguing with Brad. I ran straight up to my room and shut the door it's like I just shut down I felt my body slide down into a ball on the floor. I started hysterically crying. I love Brad more than I should after only meeting him twice I never felt this way about a guy before. When I thought about him my heart ached and butterfly's erupted in my tummy. O my god was I lovesick? Ugh why did he have to be in a band. Let's just say good thing we are on summer holidays from school I couldn't face them people. It was times like this I wished I had my parents here but their always abroad with business I usually see them 4 months of the year spread out so one day here or there.


The next morning I woke up on the floor ,their was someone ringing my doorbell probably just Lisa. Ugh I didn't want to face her. I put on one of my big jumpers and wore it like a dress Lisa won't care. I opened the door to see a tall musle man it was James . I loved James I saw him as a brotherly figure he always made me feel happy. "Hey"he said pulling me into his chest, He was sucha good hugger its weird I felt safe in his arms. "James I don't wanna talk about what happened with me and Brad last night... I'm sure he told you?" I said feeling like I was going to cry again.great... "yeah when he came back he was really upset he went home after that he said he needed to be alone"he said. Shit all of a sudden I felt bad. I quickly got out my phone and quickly checked Twitter to see Brad tweet.

"I wish they would hear me out and listen"

"I wish I could just talk to you"

My heart was breaking then I saw the fans replys.

"Whoever made Brad feel this way will pay"

"Forget about them Brad their just bitches fuck them".

Tears started dripping from my eyes. James placed his fingers under my chin lifting my head up bringing me into a hug. "Jess you need to tell him how you feel." He whispered while playing with my hair. I sighed "okay just wait 5 minutes and let me get dressed. Make your self at home their is fruit and nuts in the fridge" I said running up stairs. I quickly put on some black leggings and I kept my oversized jumper on I wiped my face to get rid of some make up stains on my face and just put my hair in a messy bun. I ran back down stairs to see James walking into the hall. Let's go I sighed to him.

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