Chapter 52- brad POV

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I was heartbroken with what Jess mom said about us to her that is so untrue we won't leave her, we might go on tour nut we won't leave for good. I knew she didn't want this I mean look at her she is in bits just like the rest of us. It started to make me angry that her mom could be so mean to her just because something happened with her in the past doesn't mean it will happen to Jess. I waked up to the front door and banged on it and her mom opened the door. I walked into the hallo and past her and shut the door behind me, she looked scared.

"We need to talk now" I said angrily.

"What do you want to talk about then" she said crossing her arms.

"Why are you doing this to her and us all the guys and I are crying because of your decision you might think you're doing good but you're not" I said sad.

"Look Brad is it? I think I know what's best for my daughter and I feel like one day you will leave her or cheat on her when something better comes along and she used to self-harm herself I'm sure she told you but if you leave her it might come back and I don't want to see my little girl in pain." She said tears in her eyes.

I was shocked I never knew Jess used to self-harm. Why hasn't she told me? I mean her mom thinks she would have told me.

"In all due respect Mrs. Taylor what happens when you leave on business again for another four months straight Jess is going to be here alone in a big house by herself. Wouldn't you think her having as much friends would be better because Lisa and Maddie are dating two guys in the band and they pretty much spend all their time with their boyfriends and its good because we would all hang out as a big group and the girls can be with their boyfriends and she is with her best friends I mean we are a family and I bet I know more that went on in the past month I have known her than you have heard." She went silent.

"Look I can't see into the future but what I hope to see is Jess by my side the whole way and she is as good as a girl can get in my eyes I'm not saying we won't fight but I know we will work through whatever obstacles come in our way. So please Mrs. Taylor let us have our Jess back we love her and we won't be able to forget about her too easy." A stray tear had fallen down my eye.

I looked over at her and she had tears streaming down her eyes that she whipped fast.

"I will think about it Brad I'm not making any promises but I will think about it." She said walking me to the door.

"Thank you Mrs. Taylor but please think about Jessica's wellbeing and not yours." I said opening the door.

She stood holding the door opened.

I walked over to Jess and her eyes were red and puffy from crying. I held her in my arms and kissed her. A tear fell from her face and I whipped it.

"Everything will work out" I said with a hopeful smile. I hugged her again and all the guys came into a group hug and I say we stayed like that for 5 minutes just standing there till Jessica's mom called her in and she had to go.

We let her go and I pecked her on the lips and gave her a reassuring smile.

Tristan hugged her and kissed her head.

James kissed her cheek and hugged her.

Connor hugged her and kissed her cheek and with that we all left to go back home,

We all got in the car and waved goodbye to Jess and watched her walk back inside.

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