Chapter 9 - Tea?

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Brads POV

The boys and I were meeting at Tristan's for practice today.
I came a bit early just to hang out with Tris I thought it might cheer me up a bit about Jess, I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was! her long brown hair and brown eyes. O those eyes made me melt. Me and Tris were talking about the band until Connor walked in greeting us with a quick hi.

A half hour past "where the heck is James his usually the first one here" Connor asked kind of worried. Before he could finish James came running in. " Sorry gyms I got caught up at the gym....... am Tris can I speak to you for a second?" he said out of breath and worried. TRISTAN got up from the couch and they both walked to the kitchen.

James POV

"What's going on?" Tristan said now worried. "I met Jessica at the gym.. I started talking to her about Brad because you know what happened at the signing, and then she told me something I can't say and then she ran out to the dressing room I could tell she was teary eyed and then I heard her crying from the dressing room and I didn't know wether to go in to her or not and when I did she was gone but there was a towel with mascara all over it" i Tryed to say it as quiet as possible so Brad didn't hear. "Crap I'll talk to Lisa she can fix this I hope..... we should all go over to Lisa's she invited us round tonight I was gonna ask ye before this"tris said. A massive smile was revealed on my face. The both of us then walked back into the sitroom.

Brad POV

The 2 lads walked back in to the room "so guys Lisa asked If we wanted to go over to hers tonight for tea?" Tristan said looking around at our faces. I couldn't help but smile Jessica had to be coming this was my time to make a move I thought I would never see her again.


Hey sorry guys I feel like this chapter is shit the next few hopefully will be good please like and comment 😊

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