Chapter 92- I just choose not to

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Brad POV

As soon as everyone left my house. I ran straight to Jess's house. I could hardly hold in my excitement that she would be coming with me to America. I got to her house and knocked on the door. There was no reply. I knocked again louder. After about 5 minutes later a very sleepy Jess in my monkey onesie opened the door.

"Hey why are you here so early" she said rubbing her tired eyes.

"Its 11.30 and I really wanted to see you" I said with a big cheesy smile on my face.

We walked inside and she put on the kettle.

"So are you all packed?" she said pouring our tea.

"No I haven't started mom said she would help me later" I said.

"Aww poor little Brad still needs his mom to pack his suitcase." She said grabbing and squeezing my cheeks.

"Hey shut up I can do it myself I just choose not too" I said crossing my arms and acting serious.

She sat down on the chair next to me sipping her tea.

She looked so cute in my monkey onesie.

"So jess I need to talk to you about something "I said looking seriously at her.

You could see the worry in her eyes already.

"Tomorrow when we are going to the airport be ready for us to collect you" I said grabbing her hands.

She looked confused.

"Brad I thought I wasn't going in the morning we were saying goodbye tonight?" she asked.

"Well of course we will have to collect you if you're coming with us" I said with a massive grin on my face.

It took her a few seconds to process this, her confused look turned into a massive smile.

She jumped onto my lap and put her arms around me tightly and kissed my lips.

"Are you serious? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!"

She squealed staring at me with her eyes popping out of her head.

"Do you think I could really leave my little monkey behind for 3 weeks" I said putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Brad you have no idea how much I actually love you, Thank you" she said pecking my lips.

"I love you too Jess" I said kissing her passionately.

A scared look came over her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"I literally only have a few hours to pack" she said getting off my lap and running upstairs.

A few minutes later she returned down the stairs.

"Ok so you are going to go home and pack with your mom and I will pack here and I will see you in the morning ok" she said rather fast.

"Ok Miss Bossy" I said heading to the door.

"O and by the way the other 3 girls are coming too "I said.

The smile on her face was huge.

The hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she said before waving me goodbye.

This was going to be a fun 3 weeks!

So guys did you expect Jess to say yes that easy? What do you think will happen in America? PLEASE COMMENT I love when you guys do!!!


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