Chapter 48- Mom

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"Mom? Dad ? What the hell are you doing home?" I said suprised to see my parents that are never home. I ran over to them and hugged them tight.
"We said we would come home and see how you are doing especially with college acceptance letters coming this week or so" my dad said hugging me."So have you heard from any universities yet?" my mom said sitting down.

"No not yet but soon anyways how was New York?" I said trying to change the subject on college.

They spoke about their work over there and then the topic was back on me again.

"So honey what's been happening any news, anybody new in your life?" They said moving closer and closer off their seats.

"Ammm well not really much news and I have 4 new friends they are in a band actually." I could see my mom getting nervous or ready.

"That's nice dear what's their names?" my dad said.

"Tristan, Connor, James and Brad." My mom looked physically sick looking so much memories were going around in her head and next thing she just walked out.

I decided to follow her.

"Mom are you ok?" I said looking her in the eye.

"Honey I don't want you dating any of them boys I'm not even sure if I want you being friends with them because it will only end in them leaving and changing as soon as they become famous"

I could feel tears in my eyes mom they aren't like that they are nice and they are my best friends they wouldn't do this to me.

"Mom they are nice people and they wouldn't hurt me." I said crying at this point.

"I'm sorry honey but the more I think about I don't want you seeing them because it will just hurt you in the future, it's for the best." She said trying to rub my hand but immediately led with me jerking back before she could touch me.

I went to walk away but I turned back to face her tears spilling from my eyes.

"You know what mom the only person hurting me is you. I wish you never came back from New York, you think you know what's best for me but you wouldn't know because you are never here" and with that said I ran up to my room and slamming the door after me.

What the fuck is her problem I know she was hurt in the past but they wouldn't hurt me would they?

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