Chapter 6- Brads point of view

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I was so happy that there was only 2 more people after this girl. After talking to her I was so tired and couldn't wait to go home and put in my monkey onsie. She finally left and the last 2. One of the girls came running over she was so nice and cool and about our age I could tell Tris liked her he kept staring at the group putting his hand through his hair. She walked over and started talking I looked around and saw this beautiful girl with brown hair staring at her phone I hoped she came over soon. Few minutes past and she still hasn't come over to me I mean us....
Lisa then asked for a picture and now I definitely knew she would join in the picture. Lisa ran up to her to what I think was to get her in the picture but no she was gonna take the picture my heart was aching I needed to speak to this girl. Desperate times came to desperate measures I ran over and grabbed her hand and pulled her over. I took a chance and wrapped my arm around her waist and it looked like she didn't mind. She was gorgeous ugh I need her to be mine. After the picture we all started talking. Soon they had to leave and it really upset she had to leave. She hugged all the guys and to be honest after she hugged me I was gonna get her number but I was the only one that she didn't hug after that she ran off. I was confused did I say something? does she not like me?


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