Chapter 32- Please wake up Jess

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***listen to the video "say something" tell me if it works well with the chapter 😊***

Brad POV

We arrived at the hospital I held Jess tight in my arms, the boys ran in after me. We got into A&E Tris ran over to a nurse and told her to help.

The gurney (bed) came with 2 nurses and a doctor. The doctor took Jess from my hands and placed her on the bed. She was lifeless. Have I lost her? They wheeled her away I ran after them but they wouldn't let me through.

I tried to push through but they wouldn't let me through "LET ME SEE HER, IS SHE OK?" I shouted at the 2 security guards pulling me back out into the reception. I fell to my knees and started to cry.

"It's gonna be fine mate" Connor said rubbing my back. I looked over at the other guys and Tris had tears falling down his eyes. I stood up and just hugged him. Then I felt James and Connor join in. I bet we looked great. We sat down in the waiting room to wait for some news.

Hours past it was 4am all the

Boys were asleep but I just couldn't how could I, I just kept imagining her lying there in my arms unconscious. A doctor started walking towards me and I ran towards him.

"Hi are you here for Jessica Taylor?" he said in a serious voice. "YES im Brad Simpson her boyfri... im her friend is she ok? Can I see her? I said in a very quick tone.

"Well she had an overdose of Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (GHB) and Rohypnol also known as "The date rape drug". She had I say 2 and they is an alarming amount for someone especially someone in her condition. We also noticed that it was mixed with alcohol making it worse. We pumped out her liver and she should be fine. She is on sedation but that should ware off in a few hours. You can go in and see her but only one at a time or else it might scare her and give her a panic attack. When she awakes she may be confused and have amnesia about what happened to her. I'm guessing by the bruising on her neck she was a victim of rape so we better call the police. Do you know who did this?"

I stood there speechless poor Jessica but what did he mean "her condition"?

"Ok the guy that did this to her is called JACK FLETCHER and what did you mean by her condition?" I said.

"well Mr. Simpson we shall call the police ASAP and it isn't my place to tell you it's up to Jessica to tell you but don't pressure her to" he said before turning around bringing me to her room.

We got to a door that led us into a dark room with nothing in it only Jessica and a bunch of machinery attached to her in some way. I wiped the stray tear that ran down my face. I sat in the visitors chair and held her hand in mine I lifted it up to my mouth and kissed it.

"Please wake up Jess"

Hey everyone I know it's kind of dragging on but it's all I get done in the time that I have sorry xx

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