Chapter 96 - The Verdict

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Lisa's POV

The girls had left me and I was here about to burst into tears. Tristan looked at me concerned.

"Babe what's wrong" he said grabbing my shoulders.

Tears ran down my eyes.

Tristan placed his hands on my cheeks and whipped the tears.

"Babe tell me" he said quietly.

I took a deep breath. "I'm late" I said quietly.

I looked up at Tristan and his eyes were open wide with shock.

"I'm sorry Tristan please say something" I said tears falling more and more.

He just hugged me tight. After a few minutes he let go.

"It's going to be ok because if you are pregnant that baby couldn't have too better parents. I mean I know we are young but we will work through it because I love you with all my heart and I know I will love our baby the same" he said kissing my head.

I smiled up at him. "Tristan I love you so much I know there is a chance I probably am not pregnant but I'm scared." I said hugging him again.

"Let's take a test and we will see what happens after we know the result ok?" he said smiling at me. I went into the bathroom and took the test. I read the back. I left the stick on the side of the sink and leaned up against the door. I didn't know how Tristan was so calm through it. I know for sure if I told my ex that I was pregnant he would have left me straight away, and maybe that's why I was so scared to tell Tristan because I was afraid he would leave me when I need him the most but he sees the good in it and right now I know that he is right outside the door for me to tell him the news.

The alarm went off and I slowly got to my feet I looked at the stick. I went outside the door to see Tristan pacing back and forth. When I came out he looked at me to tell him I smiled.

"I'm not pregnant" I said hugging him tight. I could sense how relieved he was.

He kissed my lips passionately.

"You know even if you were pregnant I would still be right here hugging and kissing you" he said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I know. I love you so much Tris" I said smiling up at him.

"I love you too Lisa" he said and kissed me again.

What do you think? Did you think she would be pregnant? Are you happy she isn't or do you wish there was a baby Tristan on the way? PLEASE COMMENT BELOW!!!!!!


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