Chapter 5: Her Blessing?

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Chapter 5: Her Blessing?

Rounds had started half an hour ago. Three out of the five interns followed an irritable Bailey dutifully presenting each case and waking up patients as they went. Next they were to round on room 3976, Meredith's room. They peaked in and saw that Meredith was not alone. Cristina and the others began to snicker and chuckle but Bailey shushed them all.

"Let's go." Bailey said shutting the door.

"But don't we have to round on her." George smirked.

"No. I'll deal with Grey myself, later." Bailey said, as she began to walk away.

"I see. Special treatment." Alex joked and the rest erupted in laughter.

"Yes. Dr. Montgomery is getting special treatment because after two surgeries and the emergency last night at the ER, she took care of your sick friend." Bailey fumed causing the laughter to die out quickly.

"Sorry." Alex mumbled.

"Just move. I have no time for your stupidity this morning." Bailey replied, turning on her heel and walking away from Meredith's room.


Meredith woke up to the sunlight streaming from the shut blinds. The room was still dark aside from the streams of light coming from the window and the door. She felt her dried up throat and swallowed hard a few times before completely opening her eyes. When she was fully awake she began to take in the features of the room because she knew for sure that there was something that probably should not be in there. She found the something or rather the someone who probably should not be sleeping with their head next to her hips holding tightly onto her hand.

'What the hell is Addison doing here? Oh my god. What did I do? What did I say? I told her she was pretty. What the hell is wrong with me? I begged her to stay with me.' Meredith started to freak out as she remembered snippets of her morphine high adventures. She took a few breaths to calm and collect herself and she did for a while. Until she felt movement next to her.

She tried very hard to even her breathing again as her nerves took over once Addison began to stir. The redhead's eyes opened slightly, not completely focused on who lay before her. Meredith did not know what to do. She could not hide. She could not run away. She could only wait for her impending doom.

'High Meredith sucks. She almost spilled all the secrets. High Meredith how dare you put me in this position? I already have to explain about sleeping next to her at the hotel. Oh god... she's going to ask us about it.' Meredith continued to chastise herself in her inner monologue. She was so lost within herself that she did not notice Addison was fully awake now, just observing her.

"Morning." Addison grumbled, snapping Meredith away from her monologue as she straightened up and let go of her hand.

"Morning." Meredith mumbled back.

"How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" Addison asked in that, now familiar, caring physician tone. Meredith looked at her but stayed quiet. "I guess some water. You must be parched." She got up to serve both Meredith and herself a cup and passed it to her.

"Thanks." Meredith said shyly.

Addison drank her water and watched her for a while, as if waiting for her to speak. But Meredith did not know what to say. As she recalled her adventures she became more and more flustered, her cheeks heating slightly as the hints of a blush began to form.

"Well?" Addison tried again. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine." Meredith managed to get out.

"Fine is nice but not good enough. Are you in any pain?" Addison pushed.

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