Chapter 8: The Spies, Witnesses of Pain

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Chapter 8: The Spies, Witnesses of Pain

Cristina was ready to explode as she went over the conversation she had heard between McSteamy and Satan. She looked for Meredith everywhere but could not find her. Then it hit, of course she would be at the tunnels. She was annoyed with herself for running around like an idiot. As if the usual intern hang out spot would not be the first place she would go if she was hiding.

Cristina had watched her walk out like someone was chasing her, clearly pissed off. She thought of catching up with her after getting her coffee but the attendings' conversation held her in place. Standing by the entrance to the cafeteria with a file she heard everything and was privy to all of the reactions. Now though she was happy to find her person fiddling with her shoe laces lost in thought.

"You won't believe what I just heard." Cristina sang excitedly as she found her friend sitting on one of the beds down in the tunnels.

"What? That Addison slept with Mark? I already knew." Meredith said in an irritated tone.

"Wait, what?" Cristina questioned her in disbelief.

"Yeah, they slept together." Meredith replied bitterly, rolling her eyes.

"No way. He was just teasing her about..." Cristina began but was quickly interrupted.

"Meredith? I finally found you." Derek called as he approached the two.

"Hey." Meredith smiled one of those smiles that Cristina knew for a fact was fake.

"How's coming back to work? How are you feeling?" Derek asked as he reached for her cheek.

The moment Cristina saw him moving she moved as well spilling the coffee she had brought with her all over his shoes. He jumped back but it was too late, as the liquid was already seeping through his shoes. Meredith threw her a grateful smile and went on to gasp in feigned surprise.

"What the hell, Cristina!?" Derek cursed lightly.

"Did it burn you?" Cristina asked unfazed.

"No it didn't, thankfully." He replied, trying to shake off some of the excess liquid.

"Too bad." Cristina said with an exaggerated pout as he scoffed.

"What the hell has gotten into you Yang." He questioned.

"I don't like you and I'm tired of pretending." Cristina shrugged.

"Keep going on like that and no one will want you. Not even Burke." Derek warned as she continued to shrug off his words.

"Anyway, Mer, how about we go out tonight? Do something together?" He proposed turning his attention back to the blonde.

"I don't know about tonight. But I'd be ok with a few minutes over coffee later." Meredith suggested.

She knew she had to talk to him and be clear about what she was feeling or rather no longer feeling for him. So coffee at the hospital seemed like a good idea, that way she would have a way out. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Cristina's nod of approval and smiled a bit.

"I want to go out. I want to take you for some nice steak." He flashed her his dreamy smile, but she was not buying into it.

"Last time we were going out for steak I actually got a rather big and a little unpleasant surprise." Meredith recalled the night she met Addison as if it were happening now.

Especially because she could hear them, she could hear her heels. She saw Cristina snickering behind Derek and knew her mind was not playing games with her as she was beginning to suspect.

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