Chapter 18: Christmas In July?

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Chapter 18: Christmas In July?

Meredith awoke to the high noon sun slipping through the curtains, the light scent of vanilla flooding her senses. She smiled as she opened her eyes to find a tightly tucked in redhead sleeping peacefully in her arms. She felt whole having Addison there with her, in a tangle of limbs. Like nothing else mattered but her. She wished and hoped she could keep her this way for a long while.

If someone had told her when the fiery redhead arrived that this would be how they would be after a year she would not have believed it. Of course the moment she saw her she was drawn to her but when she learned who Addison was everything got so complicated. Even looking at her hurt. But she got the chance to know her. Little by little the redhead carved her way into her mind, her soul.

Having her here now it just felt right. However, thinking about the reasons she was here right now. The reason why she clinged so tightly to her made her feel guilty. Derek had hurt her mentally and physically and while she was safe and nothing had been broken she was still hurt. Sure he had not done anything that would have landed Addison in the hospital yet the trauma was there. She felt every time the redhead had had a bad dream. The way she would stiffen and sometimes whimper in her sleep. The quiet whispering of her name and his.

She felt Addison shift slightly and looked at her, waiting eagerly to see those beautiful blue green eyes. A few beats later and they fluttered open. She saw the silly smile turn into a confused frown, then the realization in her eyes, and finally back was the silly smile accompanied by the hint of blush on her cheeks.

"Morning." Meredith smiled.

"Morning." She grumbled.

"Did you get enough rest?" Meredith asked.

"Mhmm." Addison nodded, still looking sleepy.

"Are you sure?" Meredith chuckled as a yawn escaped the redhead's lips.

"Yeah." Addison said quickly the blush growing deeper by the second. "I-I... thank you." She stammered a bit.

"What for? The nap?" Meredith tilted her head.

"No for umm... I know I had nightmares." Addison said softly. "Did I keep you up?"

"No. You didn't keep me up. I slept rather well." Meredith said with a wide grin.

"Liar." Addison rolled her eyes and chuckled a bit as Meredith made a shocked face.

"I would never." She gasped.

They heard the front door slam shut and almost immediately Addison tightened her grasp on her. Meredith smiled and tapped on her shoulder. Addison gave her an apologetic smile and lessened her hold.

"It's just Izzie and George." Meredith said with a gentle smile.

"Right." Addison mumbled and as soon as she was done her stomach grumbled.

"Sounds like someone's hungry." Meredith giggled a bit as Addison began to flush once more.

"Sorry." She said softly.

"Sorry? I'm starving. We could probably order something or... today is Thursday!" Meredith exclaimed excitedly, beginning to untangle herself a bit from Addison, who let a bit of a frown onto her face.

"Ok." Addison just looked at her confused. "And you are excited?" She tilted her head.

"It means it's special offers day." Meredith got up. "Which means food is already here. How do you like pizza?" She asked as Addison sat up.

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