Chapter 13: I'm Here

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Chapter 13: I'm here

As Meredith clung to her she decided to stop pushing her away. Feeling her slowly calm down only fueled her resolve. At least that was until the door swung open and dread and fear flooded her system at Derek's sudden appearance.


Her eyes went wide as Derek's eyes landed on her and then shifted over to her arms wrapped around Meredith. Something flashed in his eyes. Something that had her instantaneously pushing Meredith off. She heard the whimper escaping the blondes lips as she did so but ignored it.

'Not yet Addison.' She said to herself. Mark was here and knowing him. Knowing how protective he was of her she was fully aware of what he might do. So she would hold on, though in the back of her mind she knew it would not be practical, it may even be stupid to stay quiet but she did.

"Derek." Her voice came out weak and she hated herself for it.

"Sorry, I was looking for Addison." Derek spoke softly and calmly as if it did not bother him.

She tensed a bit, still kneeling in front of Meredith. She could feel the intern's eyes on her but she dared not look at her. She took a steadying breath and rose.

"Everything ok?" He asked, masking the rage that had flashed in his gaze with his annoyingly eye crinkling smile.

"It was. Until you walked in." Cristina mumbled behind her. Addison saw the swirling rage flash within his eyes as he glanced past her and at Cristina.

"The nurses said you were here." Derek's gaze softened again as he looked at her once more.

"What is it?" Addison asked.

"The lawyer just called. There is something wrong with the divorce paperwork. He sent them to me. Asked for us to look at it." He responded. She could not help her sharp intake of breath, which made Mark shift closer to her and Cristina to Meredith. 'Do they know?' She wondered.

"Can't this wait?" Mark asked directly behind her now. She jumped when his pager went off. "Dammit. 9-1-1, I gotta go. I'll be back soon, Red. I'll come find you." He said as he reassuringly squeezed her shoulder. He walked past Derek and murmured something which she could not hear but to which Derek chuckled.

"Addison?" Derek called.

Swallowing hard she nodded and began to walk out, however, Meredith quickly grabbed her hand. She looked down at her tear stained face and pleading baby blue eyes and felt the lump in her throat rise.

"It... it'll be ok, Grey." She said, pulling her hand away and walking towards Derek, who after witnessing the scene began to leave as well.

Addison stopped at the entrance and looked back at Meredith and Cristina, who was now sitting back next to her friend. Meredith still looked at her but she willed herself to ignore her.

"Yang, watch all of my patients. Page me if anything happens to any of them." Addison tried to emphasize, hoping Cristina would catch on and with that left.


Following Derek proved to be a chore. He was walking quickly leading her farther and farther away from the maternity wing. She knew he had lied about the lawyer. She was no idiot but for now she thought, better her, than anyone else.

Derek went inside a supply closet holding the door open for her. She knew this was a bad idea and yet, she went in.

"Is this where you're going to show me the papers or do you need cleaning supplies?" She asked, turning to face him.

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