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Aly's POV:

In the car on the way to my new home, I felt awful about leaving Rumi. She was still young and just lost her best friend.

Well, I guess lost is a strong word in this situation, but I could only imagine how she felt.

I knew we would see each other again, but when was the question.

As we drove in the car, I watched the buildings around us fly by. Most were being renovated due to a designer known as Cyrus Borg. He was a brilliant inventor, and apparently he had big plans for our city as well as new technology which could revolutionise the future.

But something strange was happening which confused me. My hands kept getting cold, even though there wasn't a draft in the car. I rubbed them together in an attempt to warm them up, but it didn't seem to do much so I tried my best to ignore it.

But it wasn't long before we left the growing city and arrived at a small village not too far away.

My parents parked up beside a bungalow, and turned to me with smiles on their faces. "We're here!" My mother smiled, jumping out of the car. I let myself out and looked over the house. It looked like a nice little house, but I will admit that I was nervous about all this.

Starting a new life.

"Sorry it isn't much. But I promise it's bigger on the inside." My father spoke up, winking at me while carrying my bag. I let out a small chuckle and walked up to the door. I was about to open it, but I was hesitant. "Go on." My mom encouraged me.

I let out a breath and opened the door. Inside was the most beautiful house I'd ever seen. The floor was a dark stained wood which complemented the light wooden beams and white walls. "It's beautiful." I gasped as my parents chuckled and walked in.

"Aly, if you would follow me." My dad led me down a hall and to a small bedroom. It was a nice frosty purple. I rested my hand on my bed and it was so soft, as well as the dark carpet. I looked around and noticed a small desk and wardrobe in the corner next to a large window which looked over the Rice fields outside.

"Thank you, so much." I looked back to my father and he smiled, walking over. "No problem, sweetheart." He responded, giving me a warm hug.

He let me go and walked to the door. "We'll let you get settled. If you need anything just holler." I laughed at him as he smiled and left my room, closing the door.

I turned to my bag and started to unpack what little stuff I had. I put away my clothes and set aside a photo of Harumi and I on my desk.

I thought I had unloaded everything when I noticed something shiny at the bottom of my bag. "Huh?" I reached in and pulled out an object which I imminently recognised. It was a small bracelet which my birth mom had given me for my 14th birthday.

My eyes began to water just looking at it. I missed her and my dad so much, I'd give anything so see them again. But that wasn't possible.

I slipped it on my wrist and sat on my bed. "Everything will be okay." I reassured myself, trying to stay calm.

"It'll all be okay."

Four months later:

Remember when I said everything would be okay?

Well a few things happened which would go against that.

After I had moved in and settled down, the weeks following were amazing. But that quickly fell apart when the most upsetting news spread throughout the realm.

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