The Maze of the Red Dragon...

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"I am Okino,

Samurai of Terra Karana.

My entire existence, I have sort to fulfil my duty,

Guiding my masters across the dangers of Terra Karana.

I have failed many times.

But now I have masters truly worthy of my honourable efforts.

I will not fail them!"

Aly's POV:

Okino began to lead us into a giant maze until he stopped. "We must stay together. The Maze of the Red Dragon has many twists and turns." He told us, but Jay seemed quite alright with it.

"No problem! I'm great at mazes."

"This might be harder than the ones you're used to, on the backs of cereal boxes." Cole interrupted his train of thought, making us laugh.

"He's right, Jay. Let's stick together so we can get the Keytana." I told him as we continued through the maze.

Okino eventually led us down a pass filled with familiar statues.

"Huh. These statues look familiar." Cole pointed out. "Yeah, he's right. They're just like the statues we saw on Dyer Island." Nya added. "Oh, yeah, the ones that shot lasers as us—" Cole was quickly cut off when a laser shot mere inches from his face.

"Go!" Okino instructed us.

We quickly took out our weapons, and started running to the other end of the pass.


We used our weapons to deflect the lasers and dodge them, making them shoot the statues instead.

We slashed the statues until one remained, which Jay easily took care of.

He sent a huge slash of energy at the statue, and it disintegrated.

"Gotcha!" He exclaimed, proud of himself. "There are many traps here. You must always be aware of your surroundings." Okino stated. "Good safety tip. Right guys?" Lloyd turned to us, and we all nodded.

He was about to continue when Okino abruptly stopped him. Lloyd looked confused until Okino pressed his sword into something on the ground.

It looked to be a pressure plate, because a swarm of stone spikes quickly shot from the ground, threatening to kill us.

They retreated back into the ground however.

"Thanks Okino." Lloyd sighed with relief. "That was too close for comfort." I added, before we continued down the pass, this time, more weary of our steps.

But Jay decided to show off and jump up the wall, using us as leverage to jump into a clear spot.

But this made Kai loose his balance and fall. But luckily he caught himself between two tiles, so thankfully he didn't set anything off.

"Jay..." Nya scolded him while he nervously chuckled.

Cole helped Kai up, and we made our way to Jay, who was debating which path to take. "Which way now?"

"Okino? Do you know?" I asked him, but then something happened because Okino suddenly looked, somewhat scared.

"Okino? You okay?" Lloyd walked up to him, concerned.

"I, I..." Okino looked to us, unsure of what to say. "I am okay."

"So, which way? Left or right?" Cole asked. Okino looked down both paths, until settling down one.

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