Return of the Ice Emperor...

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This chapter contains Major Spoilers for Lego Ninjago: Season 16, episode 24

Read at your own Risk

Overview of Quittin' Time!:

Master Wu fled from the Crystal Temple, eventually landing in the river. He was found by Nelson and Antonia, who took him to the newspaper warehouse. Jay found Nya in the wreckage of the Destiny's Bounty, and saved her from The Mechanic. But in the process, Nya's elemental powers started to show again, giving her and Jay a plan. So, they drove to the harbour with a plan to call for help from Benthomaar and the Merlopians. In the Newspaper warehouse, Nelson and Antonia managed to convince Master Wu that they shouldn't quit now. So, Wu used their radio to broadcast a message throughout Ninjago that Ninja Never quit.

Aly's POV:

I can't exactly remember what happened; my mind was a blur. But all I can remember is feeling anger, and urgency, before I crashed.


I crashed!

I opened my eyes, and immediately started coughing. I took off my hood, trying to catch my breath. I was lying in the streets, partially under my bike, and all around me were giant crystals sticking out of the tarmac and up the sides of buildings.

How long was I out for? And what the hell happened?

I felt so lightheaded I thought I'd pass out again, but that didn't stop me from trying to get back up. I went to slide myself from out under my bike. Only when I did, I felt a sharp and agonising pain in my left leg which made me hitch and stop.

I looked down at my leg, and it was hard to tell what had happened. I managed to summon my powers, and used the faint light to see, and I gasped. One of the side panels on my bike had bent, and had buried itself in my leg. I could tell how bad it was from the pain, and from the fact there was blood drenching my clothes.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." I huffed, covering my face with my hands. I was in so much trouble, and I had no idea where the others could've been. But I had to try reaching someone, or else I might not make it.

I brought my hand to my ear piece, and tried calling for help. "Hello? Can anyone read me?" I spoke, only receiving static. "Is anyone there? Please, I need help! I'm stuck in downtown Ninjago with a serious leg injury. I can't move, please someone, anyone!" I cried out.

"Y-/N....I- h-hear yo-"

"Hello?" I heard someone trying to reach me, but their voice was so broken I couldn't tell who it was. "Hello?!" The voice tried to speak again, but my earpiece just filled with static, and I lost the signal. "No, no, no, no no!" I took it out, and tried fiddling with it, but it quickly sparked, and it broke.

I huffed, throwing it aside before burying my head in my hands. I could only hope that whoever had heard me was on their way, because I don't know how much longer I'd last like this.

"Are you sure one of them crashed here?"

I heard someone from down the street, and I held my breath hoping it was help.

"̵.̷e̴r̶e̷h̷ ̴h̴s̴a̵r̸c̷ ̸a̸j̸n̸i̵N̴ ̴e̵h̶t̶ ̵f̵o̴ ̴e̶n̸o̵ ̴w̴a̶s̵ ̵I̷ ̴.̸e̵v̴i̴t̶i̷s̶o̶p̵ ̵m̵'̶I"

That voice.

No, it can't be.

I tried looking above my bike to see who was there, and I gasped at who I saw. It was Harumi, and...Mr. E?? I immediately ducked back down, hoping they hadn't seen me.

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