The Fall...

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Aly's POV:

Nya parked the Bounty above the TV station, and we were preparing the ship for the people to arrive. "Cole, Aly, come on." Jay shouted for us to help. We rushed over, and let out the two ladders, climbing down to the roof of the news station.

"Hey guys." I spoke up, gaining their attention. "Need a lift?" Cole said, wearing a large grin upon his face. "Boy, are we glad to see you guys! Thanks!" One man thanked us, followed by the rest of them making their way up the two ladders. 

"Our pleasure. Mind your step now." Jay told them, helping the people up.

"Uh, guys. We might want to hurry this up a bit." I urged them, seeing the black mist slowly creeping across the floor. "Ah, a little quicker folks." Cole shouted, also spotting the cloud. "Creepy black vines closin' in..." Jay added, helping the last few people on board. "You should know you just ruined a heck of a broadcast!" Gale Gossip scolded Cole, making him frown.

My head shot to the woman, and I quickly walked over. "Hey! Look, were trying to save your life. If you don't want that, then stay here and record your broadcast. Don't blame us when we leave you here for the darkness to finish you off." 

She looked at me, dumbfounded by my words. She didn't reply, she only scurried up the ladder. "Uh, thanks." Cole spoke, unsure how to process what just happened.

"Don't worry about it. I just can't stand people being disrespectful when they are being offered help." I told him, helping the last few people onto the Bounty.

"Ladies first." Jay laughed, letting me go up first. I giggled, soon climbing up the ladder with Jay beneath me. "Okay, Nya, get us out of here!" Jay shouted as tentacles started to make their way closer to us. 

"You got it!" She shouted back. 

We were almost at the top when the thruster was angled towards Cole. 

It blasted, sending the ship backwards.

The harsh motion of the thruster knocked Cole off of his ladder, but thankfully he was able to grab the end.

But in doing so, it snapped, leaving only one rope supporting his weight.

"Cole!" Jay shouted for him. 

"Hang on!" I called out, trying to think of what we could do to help. 

He was being hit against vents and parts of the roof as the Bounty moved in the correct direction.

Cole was struggling to keep hold of the ladder.

"I got it! I think I can-"

The world seemed to move in slow motion...

As the remaining rope snapped...


Jay and I watched as the ladder tore in half...

And Cole fell towards the darkness...

The Split Element- Book 1 (Ninjago: Zane X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now