5 - Meeting his family

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Katie's POV 

"Is this your house?" 

I turned my head to Nick and he nodded, smiling. I turned my attention back to the house. It wasn't just an ordinary house. It was huge! My house looks like a dog house next to it. I mean, t's not a mansion or anything but still. . . It's big. My jaw fell open. There was even a chimney. I immediately thought of Santa Claus. Would he even fit there? He was fat - in a nonbullying way. How does he fit there? 

"Santa Claus doesn't exist." Nick chuckled.

"Did I just say that out loud?" I asked, then he chuckled.

"Your expression says it all." 

Anyways, back to the house. It reminded me of the Cullen's house. The glass one. (If you watch Twilight, You'll understand me.)  Mirrors are everywhere. His parents popped into my head. What if they don't like me? Wow. I sound like we're dating. What if they hate me? My heart was beating quickly. I hope I don't do anything dumb. Nick and Leila stood next to me. I spaced out. I bet they can see that i was nervous. Nick connected his hands with mine. I looked at him, with a pinkish cheeks. He leaned near my ear, and whispered. "Don't worry, They'll love you." I smiled as my heart fluttered at what he just said. I nodded and mouthed 'thanks'.


"You must be Katie. I heard alot about you." His mom said, nicely.

 "I-uh, Y-yes Mrs. Lyndon." I stuttered, with a nervous smile.

"Oh how rude of me! Come in, Katie! Come in! You're very welcome!" She smiled.

I smiled and nodded. Nick's hand didn't let go of mine. He gave it another squeeze as we started walking in. His mom entertained me with the stories she heard about me. 

"Nick told me that you're beautiful inside and out." She winked.

My cheeks went pink and smiled at her. I didnt know what to respond. I opened my mouth to say "Thanks" but Nick interrupted me.

"MOOOOOM!" He blushed, Not making eye contact with me. 

"Why honey? I'm just telling her what I heard." She smirked.

"You're so embarrassing." He muttered.

"Anyways, Would you like some cookies? I baked a few trays of it." Mrs. Lyndon offered.

"I'd like to taste some but I'm still full, Mrs. Lyndon" I responded politely.

"Don't call me Mrs. Lyndon. I feel old when someone calls me that. Call me Cassidy." She says standing up.

I give her a nice smile. "Sure thing, Mrs. . .oh. I meant Cassidy." 

She nodded with a grin and went to the kitchen. Nick sat on the sofa next to me. 

"Don't mind my mom. She's actually embarrassing." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"She's really nice. Dont worry mine is also embarrassing. . ." I agreed, smiling at him.

He gave me a smile and looked down the floor. I was wondering if he actually told his mom that I'm beautiful inside and out. Is that a sign that he likes me back? Or that was just a nice compliment? My heart fluttered more. The butterflies in my stomach became Dragons, Flying horses and Eagles.  I wanted to ask Nick about it. But he might deny it or just say that his mom made it all up. I sighed. I turned to Nick. He turned around to face me as well. I opened my mouth to say something. He did the same. Then he rubbed the back of his neck with a shy smile. I turned red and looked down. I breathed heavily and opened my mouth to ask him. But I was cutted off by his Mom.

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