16 - Lies, lies, lies

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Katie's POV

Here I am, in the library. Where's Nick you ask? Oh he went to the toy store with Leila, which is almost five blocks away. I sighed as I searched for a good book. I walked over to the Teen Section. Harry Potter. I already finished the whole series. The Hunger Games Trilogy. I have this. Beastly. Read that, done that. The Fault In Our Stars. I had read this five times, but I'm loving it even more. I walked over to the Romance Section. The Notebook. Aha! Finally found this! Back in New Jersey, It gets sold easily. 

I picked out the book from the shelf, and flipped a few pages. This is officially my favorite new book, even though I watched it almost a thousand times. 


WHO AM I? And how, I wonder, will this story end?

The sun has come up and I am sitting by a window that is foggy with 

the breath of a life gone by. I'm a sight this morning: two shirts, 

heavy pants, a scarf wrapped twice around my neck and tucked into a thick sweater

knitted by my daughter thirty birthdays ago. The thermostat in my room is set as high-

I fell down on the floor with a loud thud, What happened? Whose body collided onto mine? I slowly sat up, ignoring my pain. All I see is curly brown hair all over her face. She brushed the hair out of her face. Her familiar green eyes shot up at me, Her lips formed an evil smirk. 

"Katie! It's nice to see you again!" She purred.

Oh snap.

"Hi Courtney. Lovely to see you too." I grinned.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with an annoying high pitched voice.

Catching elephants with dragons, what do you think? My inner voice snapped. I shook my head at my thoughts.

"Just searching for a book." I replied.

"Oh." She said, disgusted with the book I was holding. "Are you alone?"

"No. I'm with Leila and. ." 

"Nick's little sister? Where is she?"

I nodded. "Toy store with Nick." 

"Wait, I saw Nick a few moments ago. He even talked to me." She babbled.

"Really? That sounds. . . nice." 

"Yeah, We exchanged our goodbyes and he ran off. I think he was going home with Leila." She smiled.

"He said that they'll come back here." I say.

"No, don't be silly. He left with Leila. At the moment, they must be 5 minutes away from his house."

"I don't believe you." I answered.

"Why not?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Nick's over there." I pointed out. "You're not a very good liar, Courtney." 

 "Hey!" Nick waved. I waved back, Leila came running towards me.

"Oh and by the way, Leave Nick alone. He's mine and he'll always be." She said, glaring at me before someone notices.

"Look what I got, Katie! A new friend!" Leila grinned, showing me her new teddy bear.

"She looks beautiful! What's her name?" I ask,

"Allison. I got it from your name, and I loved it." She smiled.

"How did you know my name has an Allison in it?"

"You know who." She giggled, pointing to her brother who was making his way over us.

He was smiling, but after a few seconds, it faded.

"What are you doing here?" He growled.

"Hello to you too, Nicky. Missed you!" She purred.

I was about to puke on how flirty she was being, but then I saw Leila's disgusted face. I laughed lightly. 

"What are you doing here?" He repeated. This time. . . I saw anger in his eyes. 

"Just looking for a book." She says with a disgusted voice.

"You hate books." Nick reminded.

"I love how you remember those little things about me." She gushed.

"I don't remember it, you said it with a disgusted voice." He grunted.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Hi Leila, It's me Courtney. How are you?"

"Fine." Leila snapped.

"Courtney, I'm telling you this because I have a life. . . Leave us alone." Nick warned.

"I was just talking to Katie that's all! Why do you have to be so mad at me?!" Her voice raised higher.

"Stop talking about bull. We're out of here. Leave us alone or else." He threatened. I swear, This Nick scares me.

He walked a little closer to me and Leila and whispered softly. "Let's go babe." 

I nodded and held Leila closer. His arms were wrapped around me as we went out of the library. I didn't bother stopping just to get the book, I'll get that next time. I sighed internally. But really, What happened between Courtney and Nick before? Why did Courtney cheat on Nick? 

"What did she tell you?"

"Huh?" I asked, absent minded.

"What did she tell you?" He repeated.

"She told me you were gonna leave me, thats all. Nothing personal." 

"You do know that I'm not gonna leave you forever right?" He sighed, cupping my face with his hands.

"Yes." I smiled, staring at his eyes.

"And again, I love you to the moon and back." He smiles, before kissing my forehead.




thank you for reading

I just watched A Walk To Remember one more time, and I can say that I am inspired. i wanna watch it again <3 

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