39 - Rob's advice

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Katie's POV

"Are your things packed up?" Mom asks, leaning on the door. I nod, silently.

"We'll be leaving in about an hour and a half." She says softly.

I nod again. She leaves my room, I walk to my window. I stare at the kids playing. I will miss everything. I will miss everyone. I heard a knock. Who the hell knocks on an open door? I turned around. Rob.

"You okay?" I nod. "You sure?" 

I nod again. He walks towards me and wipes my tears. I shrugged. "Something was on my eye."

"What do you think it is? A branch?" He chuckles. "I know what you're thinking." 

"You do?" I ask.

"Come on, Katie. I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid!" He rolls his eyes. 

"What do you know?"

"You're thinking about Nick right?" He asks.

I bit my lip and nodded. "Do long distance relationships work?" 

"I don't think so. Remember Emily?" I nod. "Well, before we became together. She had a long distance thing with that guy named Noel, He ended up cheating on her." 

I stayed silent. "Should we break up?" 

He gave me a blank facial expression. "I'm sorry, Katie. But we don't know what happens in the future if you two stay together." 

"I guess we should?" My tears are threatening to fall. He bit his lower lip and nodded. "I'm really sorry."

I ran up to Rob and hugged him. I broke into tears. He rubbed circles on my back and told me that there are plenty of fishes in the sea. Nick isn't the only one. I cried more. 

"I'll call him for you?" He asks.

"I want to talk to him."

"What are you gonna tell him?" He asks.

I stare at him. "I don't know what to say and how to do it." 

"I'm really sorry about this Katie. But you need to break up." He sighs.

I didn't reply. 

"I'll be back later. I think I need to call Nick." I focused on my packed things.

He walks out of my room, I wipe the tears away. I hate crying. I hear him talking on the phone. I stay silent and sit next to his closed door. Wow. His voice is just so loud. 

"Nick, Hey." He says.

My heart beats fast. I wonder what Nick is saying on the other line.

"Not much. Listen, I just wanna talk to you about something. . ."

Here goes my emotional state. Goodbye forever.

"I think you and Katie should break up. . . Mhm, You heard me. Long distance relationships don't really work that much. I'm sorry if I'm the one who'll cause this pain." 

My eyes watered. I bit my lip to prevent myself from crying - uh, more like yelling and sobbing. 

"I know how hard it is, Nick. But I need to protect my little sister from these. You knew about Henry, right? Thats not what I want for my sister." 

Tears rolled down one by one, I couldn't breathe properly. I stood up and ran back to my room. I locked the door and sat on the floor.

"Why me?" I ask to nobody in particular. "Why?"

I hug my knees closer as I cry. My phone starts singing my favorite song by Christina Perri. No need to guess, I'm sure it's just Nick. I repeat. Just Nick. I try to calm myself. I need to talk to him. I want to talk to him.

I stand up and walk slowly towards my phone which was on the other side of the bed. Nick's picture displayed. His perfect smile, his perfect eyes, his perfect hair. Everything about him is just perfect. I wanna cry more. I answer his call.

"H-hello?" I stutter.

"Katie?" His voice sounded odd. It sounded like he had been (or he is) crying.

"Nick. . . I. . ."

"I just wanna say that you'll always be my Katie. My sweet, sweet Katie. I'll. . ." He chokes out. ". . miss you so much." 

"Nick. I'm sorry it had to be this way. I love you." I sniff.

"I guess Rob's right." He says. "The future cannot be the same way we want it." 

The tears rolled down more, He continues. "I'm sorry. Please remember that I love you so much."

"Nick. . ."

"I'm sorry for making you cry, Katie." 

"Nick, just - damn it. Stop it. You're making me cry more." I curse. "I want to say something."

"Sorry." He says, softly. "Go ahead."

"Whatever happens, You'll always be my Nicholas Anthony Lyndon. The one who I call Idiot. The one who gave me that pretty scab on my knee. The one who made me fall for him. I love you. I love you. I love you. I'll never get tired of saying that." 

"I love you more. On a count of three, we say Infinitum. Okay?" I agree.




"Infinitum." We chorused.

"So this is goodbye?" I ask after forever.

"I guess, but I'll try to visit you in New Jersey." He says, trying to lighten my mood.

"You better do." I sniff, laughing a little. "Again, I'm sorry and I love you."

"I love you til death." He says.

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