19 - Puddle Jumping

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Katie's POV

 I found myself lying down my bed with Nick. Well, don't jump into conclusions. We were just watching Spongebob and drinking hot choco after dancing in the rain. Its funny how yesterday we were fighting like a married couple, and right now. . . we're cuddling like a married couple. Well, not in a Rated R way. Anyway, back to Spongebob and us.

"What are you thinking about?" 

My eyes looked up on his. "Huh?"

"You we're thinking of something. What is it?" He asked.

I smiled and said, "I was thinking about what happened yesterday and an hour ago."

 "What about it?"

"How we fought like a married couple." I smiled.

"Married eh?" I can feel his smirk rising.

"I said Like a married couple." I pointed out. 

"But you'll marry me right?" He smiled.

"I don't know.  Maybe you'll be my best friend for the rest of my life or maybe I'll end up marrying an idiot named Nicholas Anthony Lyndon." 

"The idiot that you love." He says proudly.

"No need to be that proud." 


"Oh look, the rain is stopping." I smiled, looking out the window next to my bed.

"That's a good one. Let's go out!" He grinned, pulling me out of my bed.

"Ugh. I hate outdoors. There are people outside!" I pouted.

"Do I not look like a person?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Not really." I shrugged.

"I'm still taking you out of your house." He smirked. I hold on to the end of my bed as he pulled my legs.

I yelled No! a few times. I bet the neighbors are thinking of something else. Like murder. or so.

"Shut up, stop whining. You know you like to go out." 

"Never in a million years, Lyndon." I groaned, holding tighter.

"Time for Plan B." He says, pulling me up and throwing me on his shoulders.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU IDIOT." I screech, hitting his back.

"No Stupid. You're going out." I could feel him smirking.

 I groaned, resting my chin on my hand. "Fine. Can you put me down now?"

He let me down. "No escaping or I will murder you."

"You cant and you wont." I smirked.

"Fine." He groaned.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"To the park." He grinned.


"It's a deep secret." He winked.

"I hope that one is as deep as Hannah Montana's secret." I rolled my eyes, snickering.


"What is your brilliant plan about coming here anyway?" I ask for the nth time.

"Puddle Jumping!" He exclaimed like a five year old.

"What?" I retorted. "Puddle Jumping?"

He nods happily. "Its been years since I played that one." 

"When did you last play that?"

"When I was eight." He smiled. "Let me enjoy my childhood. C'mon!"

I shrugged, "How do we play this?"

"This game doesn't have any rules, you idiot." He chuckled lightly. "You just kick it towards your playmate."

"Oooh, So like this?" I ask, jumping on a puddle. The dirty water sputtered on Nick's pants.

He backed away and smirked. "It's on, Katherine. It is on." 

We spent an hour kicking and jumping around, We even played. . . Snowball - oh Mud Fighting. You can picture us with brown colored spots around our bodies. We looked like dalmatians. 

"We are the Dalmatianators." He said in a Harry Potter voice.

"BLOODY HELL, Why spiders? Why couldn't it be Follow the butterflies?" I say, imitating Ron and his voice.

"Well. . . Where's Hermoine?"


His eyes widened. "HERMOINE! WE'RE COMING!" 

I couldnt help but let out the laugh that I was hiding a few minutes before. I tried to keep my balance and tried not to roll down the grass. "You are so weird." I say, shaking my head as I laugh.

"Would you like some water? I think after that laughing, you are thirsty." He smirked.

"Yes please." I smiled. He nodded. "Stay there, You can sit on that bench for a few minutes as I get water bottles." 

I watched him as he jogged away. I let my hand drop on the bench. I felt something hard. It was his Phone. It lit up and informed me that he received a message from Courtney. I raised a brow, and tapped the read button.

Heyyyy Nickyyy<3 I can see you playing with Katie. I hope we can play that again next time. I missed those times!!! :) xxxxxx

My blood boiled. I glared at the screen. He lied. He said that the last time he played Puddle Jumping was about 9 years ago. But he played it with Courtney - cough  his ex cough. I dropped his phone back to where I got it. I crossed my arms and tried to calm myself.


A/N; Hey everyone! I was busy and I got the famous Writer's block :( so yeah hiiii thanks for reading :) xxx

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