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Hellfire - the fire or fires regarded as existing in hell. Or the ability to summon and burn away by means of dark red flame.

Piper was rushing to class down the halls of Cullen Falls boarding school. From the outside the boarding school looks average, a bit on the high end, as it spreads out with several towers for student housing. It is like a concentric castle but modernized in case humans come looking.

The majority halls of Cullen Falls Boarding school were like being inside a medieval cathedral castle with stained glass windows that change color depending on the mood of the school. The boarding school is like a living organism with its students and faculty staff. It feeds and grows with the students' needs. Piper made it into class just as the bell rang. Mrs. Garcia shook her head. Mrs. Carmen Garcia is a vampire about 5'5'' tall, with dark brown hair. She speaks English, even though Spanish is her native language, so when she speaks, she carries her Spanish accent. She is a very gentle, kind, and maternal person, well suited to the supernatural teaching lifestyle, with her compassion for vampires and all beings, supernatural or not.

"Almost late again Piper."

"Almost, but not quite. Besides, I had to bring you these!" Piper was carrying a vase filled with pomegranate flowers. "They finally bloomed in my room this morning." Mrs. Garcia smiled.

Carmen Garcia was from Spain originally over 375 years ago having been turned by an untrained vampire who thought to have killed her but left just enough blood and venom to turn Mrs. Garcia. This important flower to Spain and its history, the pomegranate Flower is the country's official flower. Piper walked toward Mrs. Garcia's desk when a vision overtook her. Mrs. Garcia sensed an evil power spike in Piper as the air got thick around her. Her smile faded as Piper dropped the vase. The vase filled with beautiful flowers falls at her feet. The water splashes all over her feet. All the students look at Piper.

"There goes crazy Piper again with her visions," Violet muttered. Piper could see hell and fire. The earth is scorched with fire as the demons run free. The torment and punishment of hell envisaged as eternal fire spread across the land. Mrs. Garcia immediately stopped writing on the blackboard to face Piper.

"Piper!" Mrs. Garcia rushed to her side, holding her shoulders as something powerful was overtaking her student.

"Fire! So much fire! They're coming!" Piper repeats. "She's coming!"

Nearly 3000 Miles Away

Zora moaned, as one hand buried into the bronze hair of the young man, while he moved on top. Her other arm wrapped around him. His groans loud and in her face. She felt his cock move deeper and deeper inside her. It was painful, but also pleasurable. It is filled like she never has before. Zora's body arched on the bed as their naked bodies meshed. The way his hard body pressed against her; Zora's mouth opened in a long groan. Countless kisses found her chin, her neck. Zora gripped the back of his head, as his lips pressed against her neck. She felt the bite pierce her skin, but the pain was over so fast as even more intense passion filled her. Zora cried out as his length seemingly grew inside her. The young man raised up, as Zora buried both hands into his bronze hair as their lips connected with one long and hard thrust. Zora exploded in pleasure.

"AH!" Zora jerked awake. Zora slowly turned her head to find her Romeo and Juliet textbook resting on her same pillow. Her entire body was pulsating. Zora has never had sex before, but that sure felt like sex. Even her insides were tingling. She sat up, groaned in pain as she felt like she was pierced from her neck, heart, and vagina. She touched her neck before falling back down to her bed. Zora laid in her bed for a few moments before the pounding came at her door.

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