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Training: the action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behaviour.
Truth: the quality or state of being true.

Bryce looked up from the circle mat he had in the middle of the basketball court. There was no practice during the weekend, so it was perfect for training. Scott, Derek, and Violet, walked in.

"Hey, did I miss a squad training meeting?" Derek asked.

"No, this is private."

"Of course, Bryce, The Chosen one," Violet said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't call me that," he warned her.

"Or what?" Violet challenged. Bryce and Violet have always been like oil and water. Bryce hated her vanity. And Violet hated how everyone fawns over the only true tribrid immortal. Violet as a vampire is the most powerful vampire with a mind compulsion as a power. Her beauty is like a siren to other supernatural and humans who will bend to her will with just one touch. She can create such a bond with their minds to hers that they will do whatever you want even to jump off a cliff in her love. Bryce was the only one ever to reject her powers and beauty. That happened years ago, and she still hasn't gotten over it.

"Can you guys get out of here? I'm busy."

"Why? What are you hiding?" Derek asked as he felt Bryce's emotions spike. Derek was a fairy with special powers. Derek can sense and change the emotions of others like vampires, wolves, other fairies, and especially humans, though he must be careful not to constantly manipulate those around him, so as not to create a false reality of others simply feeling what he wants them to feel.


"Liar. I don't have to be an empath to know that" Scott said, cracking his knuckles while smiling.

"Who are you meeting to train with?" Derek tried asking once again.

"No one, now go."

"It's the new girl. I have seen him stalking her like a lovesick pup," Violet mocked. Bryce glared at Violet. "Do you like her Bry? Do you want to marry the new freak?"

Scott gasped Violet as she was lifted high into the air.

"Bryce, man! Put her down!" Violet was floating in the air. Bryce had her mind in the palm of his hand, knowing he could erase her or torture it with memories of her worst experiences. Scott went to Bryce but was held back by a shield.

"I said go, now leave!" The gym doors opened as Violet was thrown at the feet of the doors. But she had a cat like agility and reflexes and landed with ease on her feet. She hissed at Bryce, who stood with his arms crossed over his chest daring her to do something. Violet went to attack, but Scott caught his girlfriend in a tight lock. If Bryce wanted, he could rip her heart out before she would blink.

"Fuck Violet! Control yourself!" Scott yelled putting his arm around Violet. "Let's go babe." Violet hissed again before turning around, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder as she sped out the gym.

"We got a report about a pack of Skinwalker dogs in the area. We were going to join Liam's pack to help them hunt them tonight. If you want to cool down and something to do later. You should join us."

"Yeah maybe," Bryce said to Derek. "I'll think about it." Derek nodded.

"If it's true, you and the new girl, I like it. She can ground your superiority complex." Bryce chuckled. "But be careful. I get spikes of aggression and pain from her. She hasn't had an easy life and she can lose control quicker than anything." Bryce nodded.


Zora was walking across campus to the basketball gym when she got a text from Angela about their Legacies group project. She decided to call her.

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