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The New Student - A fresh scholar/learner who has not previously attended the school.

Zora walked into the cafeteria to find Piper and the new girl were having lunch talking about hanging out, maybe catching a movie this weekend. Vivian commented she loves Piper's style and just must take her shopping.

"Zora, come sit with us. You remember Vivian, right?"

"Oh yeah hey."

"Hi!" Vivian said waving at Zora. She was a beautiful new student with long blonde hair and black highlights. She arrived at Cullen Falls a few days ago. The latest new student. Vivian tested as a witch at first, when the water changed taste, but then the bowl exploded like with Zora. Dr Eleazar felt dark energy surrounding Vivian, weak, but there. Vivian has an affinity for fire magic. Her power fuelled by her rage causes sparks of fire from her hands. Anytime she gets upset or angry, she can start a fire with just a snap. Margaret was able to prevent her uncontrolled fire chaos powers from burning down another building. Luckily, the building was abandoned.

From the first meeting, Zora felt an odd connection to Vivian. Familiar. Both girls came with uncontrolled powers, but after a few days, Vivian was fitting in nicely. It was like she had always been here, probably because she was already attending a school like Cullen Falls at the Mozna Castle. Vivian was able to control her fire magic more and more each day. Zora sat down. She went to eat her sandwich when a horrible smell filled her nose. She had smelled that before in the woman's bathroom. Like death, something decaying nearby. Piper said a rat must have died in the pipes or something. Zora gasped. Zora dropped her sandwich, as lightning began to crackle around her.

"Zora!" Piper hissed.

"Something is wrong." Zora stood up quickly. She left the cafeteria quickly, trying not to draw any more attention to herself before bumping into the Fates.


"Freak," one of them muttered. This time it was Kate, when Zora's bump caused her to hit another student and shocking the other student as she was a bystander. Usually, Allison was the one muttering freak while Piper and Zora were around.

Bryce caught Zora as she bumped into him down the hall from the cafeteria. He groaned as he took a hit from her lightning with his hands on her arms.

"Hey! Where's the fire?"

"I'm fine, I just...I'm fine." Zora shook her head. "I'm fine."

"You sure?"



"Can you come with me?"

"Of course," Bryce said. "Let me grab some food." Zora nodded. She barely blinked when Bryce ran to the cafeteria and back before her, carrying some food and a few bottles of drinks.

"Wow, you're fast. Like superfast." Bryce smiled.

"Yeah, I'm not allowed on the track team or basketball. They say I cheat."

"Is that why you like polo?"

"Yeah, it's fun on a horse. It's all about trust and leading. You aren't always the one in control. And that's a good thing."

"I've been horseback riding like once and I fell off." Bryce chuckled.

"I can believe it. You are rather clumsy at times."


Bryce smiled. "Hey, let's go and meet Colt."


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