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Meddling - intrusive or unwarranted interference.

Bryce and Zora came back tonight, and he dropped her to her dorm. Zora had his jacket around her, and he was in a shirt and pants.

"I had a wonderful time tonight," she whispered and bit on his ear.

"Me too," he said and slowly kissed her.

They broke apart and Zora pouted.

"You should stay with Piper tonight..." Bryce said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Zora smiled as she saw Bryce leaving. She turned the door and went inside her room. Zora saw Piper and Vivian on the far end of the room, trying on different dresses for the vacation.

Zora paid them no heed and pushed Bryce's jacket off her shoulders and went to see herself in the mirror.

I did a decent job, I look fantastic... Zora thought to herself as she looked at her maxi dress.

"Did Bryce dump you or something when you came back here? Aren't you moving out?" Vivian asked in her highly irritating nasal voice. Zora paid no attention to her and created a soundproof shield around her. Zora cannot hear anyone unless she wants to, and the other person knows it. Vivian stomped her feet and kept talking to Piper.

"Hey Zora..." Piper noticed the barrier around Zora. She sighed. Zora was in her full right not to want to hear from Piper or anyone. Piper knew she would have to try talking to her tomorrow. Right now, she should focus on what she needs to say to Zora. Zora went to the bathroom and changed from her maxi dress to Bryce's shirt and boxers and went to sleep.

Best Date ever was her last thoughts as she went to sleep.


Zora woke up just as she did yesterday and hummed along her morning routine. She wore a one side off shoulder nude sweater with grey shorts. Her hair was in a messy bun as she leaned over the sink, brushing her teeth. She spit in the sink and saw Piper behind her.

"Good morning," Zora said as she put her toothbrush in her toiletries bag.

"Good morning," Piper said coming forward. "Can we talk?"

Zora opened her mouth to reply when Vivian barged in and took away Piper's whole attention.

Zora rolled her eyes at Piper and Vivian. Vivian was always meddling. Zora went to her closet to find a nice pair of shoes to wear.

"Actually Viv, can Zora and I talk? Alone."

"What?" Vivian asked.

"Just give us a few minutes," Piper said, shoving Vivian out of the room for a bit of privacy. "You never replied?" Piper asked Zora.

"To what?"

"About us going shopping."

"You have more important things to do with Vivian," Zora said calmly.

Piper sighed. "I wanted to go with just you."

"Why?" Zora asked. "I am always a second choice. You would have more fun with Vivian. She likes shopping."

"I know that, but I wanted you that's why I texted you."

"You did? I must have missed it." Zora found some high-top sneakers and slipped them on.

"Zora please, we need to talk."

"You know my whole life all I wanted was to find my parents, have friends, real friends that genuinely liked me and didn't see me as a freak. I thought I found a best friend with you, and it sucks that is not true."

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