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Squad - a small, organized group of military personnel especially a tactical unit that can be easily directed in the field. 2: a small group engaged in a common effort or occupation.

Zora was exhausted and it was only after 12. It was time for lunch, and she was slumped over the table, hoping to catch some shut eye. She felt someone caress her head. She turned to see Piper looking at her with sympathy.

"Rough morning?" Piper asked.

"If you know, why must you ask?" Zora grumbled.

She laughed and then sobered, "Bryce is staring at you,"

Zora straightened up and looked around. She found Bryce at the end of the cafeteria, sipping on soda. He pointed a finger at her and then at the empty seat next to him.

"He wants you to sit with him!" she shrieked. "Go, shoo, I'll be fine."

"What makes you think I want to sit with him?" Zora asked her, knowing very well he could hear her.

"Do you not want to sit with him?" Piper challenged Zora.

"I never said that" Zora mumbled and got up to sit with him.

"Hi," she said, when she reached his table.

"I thought maybe you could sit with me today?" he asked cheekily. Ever since their conversation where Bryce admitted to liking Zora. There was a bit more freeness around them. Not that tense, awkwardness of the unknown, and unwanted flirting. Zora sat down beside him and leaned back in the chair.

"What brought this on?" she finally asked.

"Well, I thought, since I can't get you off my mind..."

"Are you trying to flatter me?" Bryce chuckled at Zora.

"Yes, is it working?"

"Maybe a little," Zora said and took a sip from her soda.

"Well, I was thinking about our training sessions," Bryce said. "Why don't we do that in the woods... if you lose control the infrastructure of school won't be destroyed."

Zora laughed and nodded. "Okay, text me."

Zora was doing some homework when she noticed from her window a small group coming out of the Whispering Woods. They were led by Bryce, who was carrying a crossbow over his back. He was laughing with the group, as that guy who turned into a big wolf, Paul and another guy was carrying a black cage filled with some type of creature bound and gagged.

"Piper! Piper!" Piper looked up from her report. "What are they doing?"


"Bryce and that...that group!" Piper came to the window.

"Oh! They must have captured it!"

"Captured what?"

"Well, sometimes dark creatures, true monsters get too close to the school. Sometimes even demons have tried to enter the school grounds."

"Real monsters? Demons?"

"Yeah. It's probably the magic that draws them close," Piper said. "It looks like the banshee I saw in my vision."

"How many times does that happen?" Zora asked.

"Sometimes we can get a monster every week, especially since school started back up. Around full moons even more creatures come out because magic is fuelled by elements. So, when the moon is at its highest, the magic is too. Demons usually sense our magic and they come searching for the source to eat." Zora slightly shivered at the thought of a demon.

"Oh right, I remember reading about the Moon and the perfect times to cast spells." It's been a few months since Zora was in classes. As predicted even with her superhuman burst of strength, she didn't carry the werewolf gene or virus, so she was able to drop her Lycanthrope class. She was sad Bryce didn't like going to Fern class, she loved learning about fairies with Piper. The magic was more tamed, and easy for Zora to catch on and even surpass students with actual fairy abilities. Zora noticed Piper staring at one of the guys of the group. But Bryce was right, it could get too nice sometimes, and she may drop it for the higher magic classes.

"Who's the blonde guy talking to Scott?" Zora asked.

"That's Derek." Zora smiled as Piper swooned. "He's totally hot."

"He's okay." Derek Whitlock is tall, not 6 feet tall like Bryce, but he has honey blond hair that falls just above his collar. He is muscular, and lean, unlike Scott who is mountainous in height.

"Of course, he's no Bryce Cullen to you."

"I don't like Bryce like that." Zora had to bite her lip as she felt herself lying. Piper could easily tell Zora was lying to herself as well.

"Right, and werewolves don't like the freedom of running during a full moon. He's fairy blooded."

"Fairy? But I thought fairies were small, I mean Professor Alette is even smaller than you."

"Not all full blood fairies are tiny, I mean, most are, 95-98% are."

"I think he's cute for you. You should ask him out."

"I can't. I am too much of a freak for him."

"Piper, you're not a freak." Zora watched a small girl come running over and hugs Derek. "Who is she?"

"Oh, that's Maria Echo, she's another fairy. She and Derek have been together for a long time, but..."

"But what?"

"I feel like his heart isn't in it you know."

"Yeah, I can see that. She is hanging on him, literally."

"I see us together, like together in the future, but I don't know how to start." Piper went back to her book. She had visions of Derek. Even kissing him, but nothing has happened, not even a hello exchange.

"Sometimes, a simple "hello" will do." Piper rolled her eyes yet smiled.

A young girl was shoved forward into a circle casting surrounded by red lit candles. She was young, and blonde. When she tried to use her witch powers, she was quickly stripped of her ability to cast.

"What is this? Why am I here?" She cried out. The young girl stood up and tried to leave the circle, but a barrier stopped her. "What the hell is this?"

"Silence!" The young girl's mouth was taken away. She screamed, her hands flying to her mouth to find her lips missing. She started to cry in fear. Ghouls, orcs, and all monsters alike stepped forward around the casting circle. In his black cloak, Master singled out one ghoul.

"Step forward."

Dark energy swirled around the young ghoul as Master spoke powerful incantations. The ghoul stepped into the casting circle. Master knew the ghoul would make an incredibly good spy. Ghoul monsters that feed on the flesh of the deceased, become that human. And there are times known only in stories that when a ghoul feeds off the living witch, they can take the form of their victim and have super speed, strength, agility, and their witch senses, all higher-than-normal humans. Master knew this. He singled out this ghoul because she was young, but easily trainable as one of the last monsters created by the one true evil before locked away.

"Feed." The young witch girl cowered away from the monstrous ghoul stalking her. Her back pressed against the barrier. The ghoul snarled inching forward.

"NO! NO!" The young witch screamed, though the words didn't make it past her mouthless face.


A small chapter but the ending was nice no? We are starting to get to the good stuff. We have three - four major arcs in the story and we are going to enter the first one by, I guess, next week. Stay tuned! 

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